Chapter Seven

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What's this?

I moved my foot off of the fabric to see these weird looking black shorts with a grey waistband.

These weren't shorts......


My hand rushed to cover my mouth, preventing me from screaming. I couldn't believe what I was seeing right now!! Bakugo's....his underwear were right bellow me!

I got off of the toilet, washed my hands, and rushed over to his room door. My hands balled themselves in a fist and pounded on his door a couple of times.

No response

I tried again.


What is he even doing in there?! "Bakugo!!!!" I yelled out and nocked again. This is a serious matter, so why isn't he answering???!!!!! I know he went back into his room. Wait- did he go out? No! He couldn't have. Instinctively, I shook the doorknob to add more sound in attempt in making him hear. Having said this, I expected it to be locked, imagine my surprise when it shook open. I closed it immediately, having barely opened it to begin with and wanting to respect his privacy since we were already on awkward terms. But then another side of me just so happened to visit. 'Maybe I should just take a little peek..' I thought. It was his fault anyway for not locking his door! But, my mind tossed again and I remembered how disrespectful it would be of me to intrude and get in the way of his personal space. But then I remembered why I was even here and thought that it would be better to talk to him about this now, even if it means busting into his room! But then again..I could walk right into something far worst then left around underwear.

Then the door opened. Opened from the inside. I froze in shock. Bakugo stared down at me with an angry face. "Why are you just standing at my door? Do you want to die?" He yelled. He's yelling at me? No, not after what I just had to see. "Well excuse me! I wasn't the one who left their underwear in the bathroom for you to see!" I yelled back. His face scrunched up as he stomped over to the bathroom, as I just stood by the door with my hands crossed against my chest.

He walked back over. "See lo-"

Then, he slammed the door in my face, cutting me off.

"That..stupid...expodo-dummy!! He couldn't even let me finish my sentence?!" I, as well, began to stomp my way into my room. I don't think I could last another day with this jerk, not to mention a whole 3 years!

(Changing POV. You have been warned.)

The next morning came and Uraraka woke up to the sound of her alarm. She, like most people, found it obnoxious and annoying, and wanted "5 more minutes" of sleep. But, something clicked in the back of her mind that make her rethink that decision. She threw the blanket off and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Checking the time, she stood up and quickly got her uniform, undergarments and a towel. Every morning, for the past week, Bakugou had been up before her. He would take forever in the shower and when he got out, he barricaded himself in his room. Today would be the first proper day she woke up on time and would probably leave the house with him or go to school with another classmate, instead of being late like usual. God, she hoped he wasn't awake. He wouldn't have a reason to, right? After all, it was 5:30 a.m.

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