Chapter Ten

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I had the urge to search through that letter. It was already opened, so I wouldn't be doing any harm. You'd barley even notice I looked through! But then again, it would be better to just give it back. It isn't my business. The curious side of me got carried away and subconsciously, my fingers grazed the seal of the envelope, held closed with a heart shaped sticker, as I gently slid my hand across. I opened the top lid and started taking out the folded paper inside. I began to take it out, until...

"Is someone up here?!" A stern male voice called out.

Startled, I rushed, putting the letter back in its envelop and grabbed the two bento boxes from off of the concrete. I stood up and looked around. There was no were to hide.

'Crap!' I thought. I just hopped it wasn't someone of high authority or even an unreliable student, I don't know what the consequences would be of breaking and entering in UA. I clutched the boxes as I heard the footsteps come from out the door. "Anyone there?" He asked again. I clutched my eyes closed, to scared to see who it was.

"Uraraka?" He paused. I opened my eyes slowly. 'Oh thank goodness.' I sighed. It was only Todoroki. "What are you doing here?" He asked. I exhaled in relief. "I just wanted to eat lunch in a quiet place!" I nervously smiled. "You do know you're not supposed to be up here, right?"

"Sorry Todoroki. Are you going to tell on me?" I sadly replied. He shook his head. "No. I understand." His eyes traveled down as he observed the two boxes in my hand. "Why do you have two lunches?" He asked "Isn't that Bakugo's?"

"Uh, yeah.. how did you know?" I questioned as he averted his eyes. "I saw him holding it before leaving the classroom." He scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, well...I just found it laying around and I picked it up to give it back to him!" I lied. I wasn't proud of it, but I don't know how I would be able to explain the truth without causing suspicion. He hummed in response.

"Well, I should be on my way now!' I started walking to the exit, but just then, the letter fell from behind the boxes as the wind led it astray. I gasped. 'The letter!' I chased after it before it got too far, and grabbed it, tripping on my own two feet, and falling to the floor.

"Ouch.." I mumbled as I rubbed my knee. The ground had ripped my stocking, leaving a gashed scrape on the area of removed skin. Todoroki rushed over. "Are you okay?" He asked, as he observed the wound. "Yeah. It just stings." I laughed at my own clumsiness. "I'll help you to the infirmary. Can you walk?" He asked, as he stood up and held a hand out for me to grab. "I think so." I grabbed it, pulling up, but almost falling back down. The pain only increased. "Should I carry you?" He asked, in concern. "NO! No, it's fine! I think I can manage!" I used my quirk and applied it to my leg, lightening it's weight.

Still acknowledging my struggle, he took one of my arms and threw it around his neck, while supporting my body with his arm behind my back. "Let's go to the nurse." He said, demandingly.


"So, what significance does that letter have?" He asked, starting up small talk. "Oh, well actually, it isn't mine. I was..just holding it for a friend! It'd be terrible if I lost it." He hummed as silence filled the air again. We arrived at the office quickly, and as usual, recovery girl was sitting on her chair. When she heard our footsteps, she spun around to see which student needed her attention. "Oh my. What happened here?" She asked as she looked down at the torn stocking. "I kinda tripped!" I laughed awkwardly and Todoroki helped me sit. Recovery girl jumped off from the chair she sat on and walked over to the me. She leaned over and gave the area a kiss, healing it in the process. "All better! Though. There's nothing I could do about that." She pointed at the stocking. "No worries! Thank you for healing my injury, I'll manage somehow!" I smiled as I stood up. I felt pretty drained and tired, but I guess that's what happens when Recovery Girl tends to your wounds.

Me and Todoroki locked eyes unintentionally. "Thank you too! For..helping me here and all." I smiled again. "Of course." He said, in his usual, calm voice with his everyday poker face. Though, he still followed behind me to class, with, what I would assume, was the intention of keeping me safe. This made me smile. I felt like I had some kind of security.

We walked into the classroom and waited for the class to start, but I sat down at my desk with a worry running through my head. How would I fix my stocking? People would see the rip, wouldn't that cause suspicion? I shook my head. No, it's not serious. I would just have to tell them-

The letter fell out of my pocket. 'Oh! I almost forgot about you!' I thought while picking it up.

It was now or never. I can chose to read it, or I can chose not too. No interruptions, no one to question. I opened the top flap, once again, and pulled out the folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and began to read what it had said...

Dear Bakugo...


"Rock, paper, scissor, SHOOT!" The two roommates said. "AHA! I won! Just as I said I would, dumb round face!" The blond said while growing his head back and his hands in the air. "I could have sworn i'd win this time..." The brunette sighed. "Rock breaks your lame scissors." He smirked. "And because of that, you owe me!"

The winner of their little game had the chance to make the looser do anything they wanted. A simple game, but something to pass time.

"What is it?" She sighed. "You cook dinner." He demanded. Her eyes widened with his request. "B-but I don't know how to cook!" She replied, worriedly. "Well you better learn. Dinner won't cook itself." He smirked again, which got on her nerves. She huffed as she slouched down into the chair and crossed her arms.

"What do you want to eat?"

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