Chapter Five

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"What?!" Mr. Aizawa slammed his palm onto his desk in the teachers office as Bakugo and me stood side by side, trying to explain our newly come situation. "So, you're telling me, that for some reason, you too were assigned the same apartment?"  I nodded my head in response as Bakugo just looked away and "Tched."

 Aizawa turned to Present Mic with a stern look. "Where's the regulation sheet?" Immediately, the blond started rummaging around the papers on his desk until he found one that looked way too familiar. "Here you go Eraser Head." He handed the sheet to the other pro here as our exhausted teacher snatched it, observing the list, but when his eyes fell to the bottom of the paper, his face scrunched up. "Uraraka-! You-! Wheres Oj-" 

"Mr. Aizawa!" Hagekure yelled from behind Ojiro, who had just busted the door open and was currently holding the door handle. "You two!" Eraser pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dont tell me. You've been paired together as well?" Ojiro looked at Bakugo and I as I assume Hagekure was rapidly nodding her head, because of the fast up-and-down motions her gloves were flying in. Her gloves and our beloved tail boy were soon standing next to me and the daily burning rage ball. Our homeroom teacher looked at us before speaking, as if something lit up in his mind. "Wait.. Did you kids do this on purpose?" He asked angrily. This time it was my turn to rapidly shake my head. "No Mr. Aizawa, I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say that we would never do something that would disobey such a simple and direct order." I clenched my hands into a fist as I felt my nails pinching my skin.  

A faint voice was heard from my side, "Don't fuckin' speak for me." Lord Explosion Murder mumbled as he buried his hands deeper into the sides of his arms while crossed against his chest. I simply ignored him and continued trying to explain our situation. " I mistaken my number as 10, and out of us four, I was the first to sign that sheet." Ojiro chipped in. "Yeah, and I was after Uraraka. I could have sworn I was 10, but since the number 9 space was empty, I figured that I must have mistaken them and signed my name there instead." Eraser shook his head. "Its hard to believe that not one of you realized the order was wrong." He said while reading over the sheet again. A heavy silence covered the room and Shota quickly shot his direction at his colleague, glaring at him intensively.

"Mic, you looked over this, correct? And you know each student was supposed to be paired with one of the same gender, so why the hell didn't you report this in?!" Present Mic gave him a nervous laugh once he processed the question and situation. "Heh, sorry Eraser. To be completely honest, I was flourished with paperwork, and when I saw the paper, knowing how responsible your class is, I assumed it could easily just be sent off." A few minutes went with the two teachers bickering back and forth until we finally got some news on what would happen as of now. 

"Listen up, and listen carefully. I am aware that your belongings are already in the homes, and that you might have even unpacked somethings. I'll get in contact with the schools trustworthy moving company to have your things properly placed in the correct places. But, as of now, Im sorry to say to say this, and as much as I hate to, you'll have to stay like this until further notice." 

"HAAAHHH???" Bakugo shouted. "Oh HELL NO! IM NOT STAYING WITH THIS DUNCE KLUTZ!" He lashed his arm in my direction. Aizawa turned to his desk and payed barely to any mind to Bakugo's comment. "Well, you wouldn't be in this situation if you had just payed more attention. Now enough complaining and get ready for class." He sighed between his gritted teeth and was prepared to storm out of the room, but our teacher had one last thing to say. 

"Oh and one more thing. No funny business, got it? I don't want to hear not one complaint, because if I just so happen to, you will be served with severe punishment." 

"Understood." The three of us(Bakugo not included) said in unison. 

We left the office and Ojiro came up to me. "Hey, I'm really sorry Uraraka." I was confused for a second. Why was he apologizing to me? Its not like he did anything wrong. "Its fine, but, why?" I asked while tilting my head. "Because you have to stay with Bakugo for the time being. He's really something else, and honestly, I constantly dreaded the thought of living with him myself, but to hear you have to deal with it just doesn't feel right." I chuckled a little, understanding why he'd feel that way. After all, Bakugo was the most feared in the class on a ranked scale. "Its fine. No worries. I'll be okay, its not like this is permeant after all!" I smiled and he laughed while scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, your right. I'll see you later Uraraka." He waved his hand and continued walking. 

I haven't really stressed this up until it was held in my face.....

Im screwed.

Ojiro was right. Living with Bakugo would be a complete nightmare!!! AHHHH!!! KILL ME NOWWW!! I tugged at the sides of my hair and let out a loud groan. He called me a dunce! Im not a dunce...Am I? No, no. I may be a bit of a klutz, but not a Dunce! He's just a Jerk! A jerk I have to live with......

Damn it..

OMG. I am so sorry for not uploading guys! I kept going on and off between sicknesses and have really been busy with testing recently. Luckily, the fun stuff may now begin because the plot is sorted out, yaayy! But on a serious note.. thank you for 1k reads! Wow its a real milestone for me and I just got back on here to see such a surprise! Thank you guys all for reading and it just makes my day to see all of your hilarious and creative comments! I'll honestly try to plan an updating schedule sooo yeah! Anyways, until next time!

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