Another Long Night

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Valt Aoi~

I smile awkwardly at the beautiful ivory haired boy in front of me. He looks down at me, sweat dripping down his fine toned body. I stare at how beautiful his unclothed body looks, and blush remembering how skimpy I myself am.

"Ah, sorry, I-I think I'm at the wrong house... I was looking for the house adressed at XXXX-XXX." I murmur, smiling to cover my embarrassment.

"That would be over there." He points towards the direction of my ex's house.

"Oh, thanks! Aren't you... Shu Kurenai?" I ask, his attractive face twisting to one of panic.

"What?" He blurts surprised at my question.

"I asked if you were Shu Kurenai..." I repeat worried if I said something wrong.

"Um, yeah, I am Shu Kurenai." He sighs in relief and grins handsomely.

May I um... Have an autograph?" I whispers embarrassed that I'm a fan of his.

"Of course." Shu goes inside his home and comes out with a signed piece of paper and hands it to me. I hesitantly take it, smiling awkwardly once again as I do.

"Well, I'll go now. Thanks for the help. I'll see you around. Or not..." I turn to leave, but am stopped by his hand grasping my wrist tightly.

"W-What's your name?" He asks me hurriedly.

"My name is Valt Aoi." He softens his grip on my wrist and looks deeply into my eyes, causing me to become a blushing mess.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm going to a friend's party next week. Would you like to come with me?" He pulls out his phone and I obediently pull my phone out as well.

"Sure! It would be an honor to be able to go with you." I beam at him, exchanging my number with his. I stare into his beautiful scarlet eye once more, finally noticing the patch over his right one. Wait... That shouldn't be there. Why is that there? I brush it off, disappointment finally sinking in. I really wanted to stay with him. He was so kind and attractive. I blush at remembering the features of his unclothed body and I mentally beat myself for being such a pervert.

"Ugh... You're such a perv, Valt." I slap myself and keep on walking towards Kristina's house. Before I went out, she messaged me saying that she wanted a few things she had left at my house. I guess she really was just playing me. I mean, Free told me about her games and how she was cheating me this whole time. I sigh as I reach the door of her house, regretting ever leaving my home. I hesitantly press down on the button of the doorbell, and take out the pair of sapphire earrings from my pocket that she'd left at my place.

"Where are they?" She asks already annoyed of three seconds of my presence as she opens the door to see me, holding her palm out for the earrings.

"Here," I grumble, placing the earrings down into her open palm, "But why?"

"Why, what?" She groans in irritation, glaring at me.

"Why did you play me like that?" I quietly say, tears stinging my brown eyes.

"Because it was fun. Now if you don't leave I will call the police for theft." She tries to slam the door in my face, but I place my fokt between the crack of the door before she can. I hope she knows I'm the police.

"Why was if fun to you? What did I ever do to deserve that?" I growl, furious because she seemed amused at my anger.

"Why do you always think that everyone will always be nice and play house with you?" She asks rhetorically, pushing my foot out of the doorway and successfully slams the door in my face. She's right. What is my problem with trusting people? I ask myself, though deep inside I knew why. I'm a damn pushover. Ever since my father was killed on a business trip. Little did my family know that would be the day we lost him.

He was leaving Japan to go to Europe to try to get another company to sign a contract with them for their collaboration. While he was in his hotel sleeping, someone had broken into his room and shot him several times, the killer leaving behind bloody rose petals on his widened eyes. It hit me hard at the time because my siblings were too young to understand and I came to rely on others around me. Everyone did everything for me. I was just a stupid kid that was so dependent on everyone else. Then when my mother was killed, I had to learn to do things myself. Red Eye had killed off both my parents. I broke, and started letting people dote on me. That's when I started depending on my friends too much.


I sigh and open up the door to my apartment. I was in absolutely no condition to go to work, seeing as Free the butthole was there, but I had to find Red Eye and get my revenge. I throw on my clothes and stare at the room before me.

My room was surprisingly neat and tidy, due to the work of my sister, Nika. In one corner, there was a bookshelf with my action figures lined along the top. A small tv was perched beside it on a night stand with my bed directly in front of the small electronic box. A desk was in the other corner of the room, pencils and pens neatly filled small cups on top of the flat surface of the desk. The only part of the room that wasn't exceptionally clean was the floor. Papers upon papers stacked the polished wood of the floor. I sigh remembering that I had to work on those later. They were my notes on Red Eye.

"Bzzt, bzzt."

I grab my phone from my pocket, strangely expecting a text from Shu. When I open the text up, I see it's from Rantaro.

Rantaro Kiyama: we've spotted red eye

The name Red Eye was the only thing I had to read before sprinting out of my house. I quickly ask him about where they are, and he replies where they are. Apparently Red Eye had successfully murdered another person, and the maid of the household had called the police saying that Red Eye had broken into their house. Damn! Not again! I see the familiar white coat rush past me, and I snap my head around to see the black mask and red eyes staring back at me. I shiver at the sight, feeling the sinister smile bore down into me, eyes burning into my skin. I turn to chase them, following his exact steps and path. The dark night sky and sudden rain gave them an advantage. They could swiftly escape my grasp.

The masked criminal runs up a staircase belonging to an apartment roof, me trailing closely behind whoever they are. When they finally make it to the roof of the building, I smirk evilly. They have nowhere left to run! I've got them captured!

"You're done, Red Eye!" I scream as whoever they are runs to the edge of the roof. I see that they are clearly bleeding all over, and that their features are one of a man's. Clearly the last person they killed put up a fight. Red Eye laughs hysterically, evil voice crackling, unnerving the dark rain pelting night.

"I'll see you at the party, pretty boy." He laughs before diving headfirst down the building. What!? I run over to where Red Eye had jumped and see an open dumpster full of garbage. Crap!

And just like that, the perpetrator escapes once again.


To be continued...

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