Missing Pieces of The Puzzle

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Rantaro Kiyama~

How the hell did we get here? What caused this to happen?

And what the hell was I going to do about it?

"Just who the hell are you, Shu Kurenai!?" I screamed at the crimson eye'd killer. I knew it as much as he did. He was Red Eye.

"I-.. I don't know. I thought I knew what I wanted from becoming this.." He mumbled, tears forming in his terror filled eyes.

"Yeah, well you sure as hell didn't! How the hell do you think Valt is going to feel about this?" I growled at him, "You fucking killed his goddamned family for fucks sake!"

But that's what made him stop dead in his tracks. "I didn't kill Valt's family..."

"What?" It was all that I could muster from my shocked mind.

"I didn't kill Valt's family." He repeated himself.

"Then who did?"

"I don't know, but we need to get out of here. We can talk about this later. Fubuki is still stuck up there." He said, pulling me out of my thoughts. That's right, I remember now. My squad and I were going to look for Fubuki, and I decided to look through this burnt building. But Shu got here before me. I was chasing him down because I thought he was Fubuki, but the floor beneath us crumbled and fell, making us to go with it. Damn, Suoh must have booby trapped the place.

"Alright." I agreed with the albino. I grabbed his mask from the floor and handed it back to him. "I don't think you'll need this anymore."

"Yeah. The secret's out."

What're we going to do about you?


We finally found a way out of the hole, and we successfully made it back to the second floor from where we fell.

"What do you think happened to this building?" I curiously asked Shu. He only glared down at the ground and grimaced.

"It caught on fire. My old friends saw it happen." He whispered, "My lover died in the fire. That's why I thought Suoh would bring Fubuki here. It was the only abandoned place in the entire city."

"Oh... I'm sorry for your loss." I couldn't believe it. I was standing next to a murderer and having a conversation about his life. I must've gone crazy.

"Don't be. In fact, that's the whole reason I became Red Eye. I was going to find the person that started the fire." He explained, "But no one believed that someone started the fire. I was all alone."

"I don't think your former lover would want you to get revenge." I quietly sympathized. I knew what it was like to want to get revenge, but that shouldn't cause you to want to kill someone.

"I know. I kept telling myself that, but by that time, it was too late. I was too deep into the hole." He murmured truthfully. I looked away from his eyes, not wanting to meet the sadness inside of the bloody pools.

"Oh, look! There's a journal here!" I exclaimed, examining it for a owners name. Fubuki.

"What is this doing in the middle of the hallway?" Shu asked, peering down at the leather cover. I flipped open to the first page, and it was covered in sketches of Shu, hearts, and distorted words.

"It's been two years since then, but I can still hear the bloody screams of Xander. I didn't mean to. I didn't want to. But I wanted Shu all to myself.

It's like Xander is punishing me for starting the fire. Coming back to haunt me from the dead depths of hell. He was tired of waiting for me there. He wanted me there immediately.

The only thing that haunts me more than that, is if Shu found out,

I killed Xander.

~Fubuki Sumie"


Hello my fellow citizens of Wattpad. I am going to try to post as much as I can before school(hell) starts.


To be continued...

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