Stalking The Stalker

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This chapter started a month before the present time.


Suoh Genji~

The boy had fascinated me from the moment I saw him. He was so... Concentrated on watching that boy. I wanted him to be mine. I wanted someone to care that much for me. I wanted someone to have to kill in order to have me all to themselves. Because I know that blonde boy killed someone. He killed the giant redheaded guy and made it look like an accident.

I saw it all.

"Hurry up, Suoh! We're going to be late if you don't hurry up!" The brunette shouted at me.

"Yeah, yeah! Getting to it, Aiger!" I tossed my empty soda can in the garbage and glanced at the blonde boy once more before catching up with the maroon haired boy.


"What is that blonde haired boy's name? Ya know, the one that wears the pendant?" I asked Aiger.

"I think his name was something like, Fubuki. He's one of the growing stars of Japan now. He's apart of that one stupid band named Raging Bulls. Why you wanna know?" He blabbed, slouching further into his couch. We were both still in our last year of high school, and school was the only place I saw the blonde killer.

"Nothing. Just curious is all." I whispered and the brunette looked at me completely unconvinced.

"Whatever." He grumbled and looked back at the tv he was watching.

My silent blonde killer... Fubuki.


I had Fubuki pinned down on the chair, scissors lined up at his neck, blonde's eyes widened. He was all mine.

"What the hell do yo want from me?" He asked, glaring at me. I smiled at his bravery, but never wavered in my movement.

"You." I murmured before kissing his soft lips. It felt beautiful. I finally had the boy of my dreams in my arms and all to myself. I broke away shortly after to take a good look at my Fubuki. His eyes were widened in surprise, never leaving mine. Finally snapping out of his trance, he screamed:

"Are you fμcking crazy? I'm already in love with someone else-"

"And you killed their lover. Now imagine how much he would hate you if he figured out you killed the redhead." I cut him off, words still lingering on his lips.

"How the hell do you know that?" He quietly questioned, fear meeting his gorgeous scarlet eyes.

"I saw it all. If you don't want your precious Shu figuring out, you best leave him for me." I chuckled, soon the giggling becoming a laugh of one of a maniac. He was completely terrified sitting there numb in the chair. I had him caught and he knew it. He had to surrender to me.

"Please don't tell him. I'll do whatever you want, but please don't tell him." He pleaded to me, tears forming in his fierce flaming eyes.

"Good boy." I dropped the scissors behind me and grabbed his hand, leading him out of Shu's house.


Heyo, I know this chap was crap, but thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed!

To be continued...

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