Promise I Can't Keep

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Shu Kurenai~

"What do you want, Lui?" I question the trembling blue haired boy. He hesitates as he tries to say something, but decided it's best not.

"Have you gotten any death threats from Red Eye?" He asks after a solid three minutes.

"No, why." I ask, keeping my amusement hidden. This poor boy. Little does he know anything.

"After he brutally murdered my father, he left a note for me the morning I announced this party, saying he'd be here." He whispered, paranoid and searching the hallway for anyone that might be intruding our conversation.

"Oh, that sounds really bad." I sympathize, though my thoughts are laughing out loud.

"I'm so terrified. I can feel eyes boring into my body. I can feel Red Eye's presence in these very walls." By this point, he's shaking and tears are in his eyes. I pat his shoulder, earning a jump in return, relief meeting his eyes as he realized it was just me.

"I'll take over the stage then if it makes you feel better. Everyone will be focusing on me instead of you. How does that sound?" I ask, "worriedly". He smiles and nods like a child would. "Okay, then let's go back in there. Don't worry, I've got this."

"Mmhm." He hums quietly in response. He grabs my wrist as I walk us into the giant auditorium. I walk in to see the desperate eyes of Valt peering at the door, Fubuki pointing in our direction. Hopefully Fubuki didn't say anything stupid. Lui sits down in his seat and glared at the curious Valt in a childish matter. What a kid. I stand up on the large stage and gently tap the surface of the microphone.

"Good evening everybody. First of all, I am very grateful that you all came to this party to support my great friend, Lui Shirosagi because of the loss of his father. Us members of the Raging Bulls have decided to play some music in memory of the great man that raised one of my greatest friends." I spoke loudly and clearly. Ken, Daigo, Wakiya, and Fubuki all make their way to the stage, instruments ready to be played. The music starts, and everyone's attention is given to us, putting Lui at ease. After a while, a few stares leave the stage, that is until I start playing. The violin in my hands starts moving in sync with my movements, creating a beautiful sound. Valt peers up the stage and our eyes meet. I can already tell what he's thinking. How can I possibly ask such a dull boy out to this party? I grin at his surprised expression and he weakly smiles back.

After the performance, the audience screams and claps like crazy animals. There were crowds roaring, many of the females trying to get autographs, touching us in the process.

"Great job, guys!" I exclaim to the rest of the Raging Bulls.

"Nah, it was all you." Daigo pats me on the back.

"Yeah, everyone loves you." Ken's brown puppet, Besu, says.

"Nonsense. They all loved me more than Shu. After all, I'm a star." Wakiya persists, the rest of the group sighing due to Wakiya's comment.

"Who's that girl you were with?" Daigo asks curiously, changing the subject.

"That was my boyfriend." I beam at the rest of the boys who's mouths dropped open in shock.

"B-Boyfriend?" Fubuki finally spoke. I nodded and gave him that look and he sighed in relief, the rest of the group giving us weird stares.

"Well, if that's all, I gotta go grab my princess." I say before leaving.

"P-Princess..." Fubuki mumbles, feelings hurt.

"Don't worry, you're my only princess." I whisper into his ear before leaving. But it all felt so wrong. Why do I always get such a wrong feeling when I'm with Fubuki? I start my search for Valt, ignoring the comments from multiple girls asking for my number. I need to kill him before the night ends. Maybe I can take him home and kill him there. I finally spot the blueberry, thoughts of killing him disappearing when I see his smiling face. He was currently speaking to what I'm assuming is Kristina. But what he does next surprises me. He leaves, tears clearly in his beautiful amber eyes. What did she say!? I walk over to her, clearly pissed off. I turn her to face me, and her eyes widen in shock.

"What did you do to Valt?" I ask, anger boiling withing my stomach.

"I told him exactly what he is to you. A plaything. You're just playing him. You don't really love him." She scoffs, turning to walk away. Before she does, I slap her hard in the face, loud clapping sounds echoing in the room, earning multiple stares.

"How indecent of you! Shame on you! How dare you force yourself on me!" I scream, many fans glaring at her. I smile smugly at the lie I created and tears fill her eyes.

"N-No! I didn't! I swear!" She tries to reason with the many people glaring at her. Serves you right, hideous snake. I start sprinting towards the direction Valt went. Where are you, Valt? Running through the dark streets of the night, something in me feels absolutely sickening. I run around the alleyways, searching for the little innocent blueberry.

"Valt!" I call out, no response. That's when I hear a muffled scream. Oh no.

"Stop right there!" I scream, finally finding Valt about to get raped by an elder man, anger taking over of my whole being. I throw a punch at the disgusting man, knuckles cracking deafeningly on his nose. He falls to the ground next to Valt unconscious, and I rip my tie off to secure the man's wrists. Valt cowers away from the man, trembling in fear, tears streaming hard down his beautiful face.

"Shh. It'll be alright now, Valt. I'm here. Nothing is going to hurt you." I embrace the trembling boy tightly, and he quietly cries into my shoulder.

"H-H-He w-was gonna r-rape me." He says hiccups. I gently shush him, grabbing my phone and calling the cops and giving them our location. "Please don't leave me."

My eyes widen at the little boy's comment, his small body going limp against mine. He's asleep. What was this strange feeling? I'm supposed to kill you. Why am I feeling like I should protect you? What the hell have you done to me, Valt Aoi? I take the slightly smaller boy's face in my hands and place a kiss on his forehead, and murmur softly against the boy's forehead,

"I won't leave you. I never will. I promise."


To be continued...

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