Murderous Infatuation

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Shu Kurenai~

"Someone saw!" I scream panicking over the thought of getting caught by authorities. Fubuki wraps his arms around my neck and gently places his soft lips on my neck.

"It's going to be fine. Besides, he was drunk, was he not?" The smaller blonde boy asked, kissing me repeatedly on my neck, moaning softly each time.

"Not now, Fubuki. I'm tired, and I need to put a band-aid on this cut on my eye." He sighs and places one last desperate kiss on my lips before going to the bathroom and grabbing a first-aid kit.

Fubuki had witnessed my first kill from years ago, and was infatuated with how easily I sliced the throat of his father. He then started stalking me, and figured out that I was the K-Pop star Shu Kurenai. He broke into my house numerous times, and I eventually got tired of kicking him out. He didn't care much about me loving him, he just wanted to be able to stay near me. I wasn't much bothered by it either, seeing as he was the only person I knew I could trust. Sure, he'd kiss me, sleep with me, but he made my life a lot less lonely.

"I love you, Shu. I'm really happy when I'm with you." He whispers quietly into my ear, nibbling on my earlobe as he finishes placing the band-aid on my bloody eye. He sits on my lap and undoes my tie so that he has more access to kiss and suck my neck.

"Yeah, yeah. Th-Thank you for helping me..." I shiver at his warm lips sucking at my neck, "I guess this can be your reward."

"Hehe. Thank you, Shu." He giggles softly, pleasant vibrations reverberating throughout my neck. It's going to be a long night.


"Shu..." Fubuki yawns from my bed, finally waking up.

"Ah, you're finally awake. Breakfast is ready." I smile at how adorable his little body stretches upwards as he yawns.

"Oww! My bum hurts! Did you really have to be so rough last night?" He groans in pain. I just laugh and walk over to pick him up. I scoop him up bridal style, and compassionately peck his soft lips. He squirms in my grasp and tries to get down. "Ah! W-What are you doing!?"

"Taking you to eat breakfast." He stops squirming and lets me take him to the dining table. I gently place him down on one of the chairs. I sigh as he hesitantly picks up his fork and eats. What's wrong with me?


After Fubuki and I finish eating breakfast and getting dressed, I go to my studio and start practicing the choreography of the new song me and the rest of the Raging Bulls made. It all happened too fast. I was running from the police on the rooftops of buildings, and all of a sudden I was in some random person's house. I need to kill that witness.


Sweating, I tear my shirt off and throw a towel on my head. I make my way to the front door, gliding down the marble spiral staircase. I unlock the front door and open it to see the same boy I saw yesterday. I almost gasp at the sight, but remember to keep my composure.

"Ah, sorry, I-I think I'm at the wrong house... I was looking for the house adressed at XXXX-XXX." He smiles awkwardly, looking me up and down. I notice him staring at my bare chest, and he quickly turbs his head away.

"That would be over there." I point in the direction of the house, his head following my finger.

"Oh, thanks! Aren't you---" Crap, he knows I'm Red Eye, "Shu Kurenai?"

"What?" I blurt stupidly, earning a confused stare from the shorter blue haired male.

"I asked if you were Shu Kurenai." He repeats.

"Um, yeah, I am Shu Kurenai." I sigh in relief that he might not remember. Maybe he was too drunk to remember.

"May I um... Have an autograph?" He whispers embarrassed.

"Of course." I go inside to grab a paper and pencil to sign. I come out with the paper and hand it to him. He takes it hesitantly and looks up to me blushing.

"Well, I'll go now. Thanks for the help. I'll see you around. Or not..." He sheepishly smiles.

"W-What's your name?" I immediately blurt as he turns around to leave.

"My name is Valt Aoi." He turns to smile at me and I'm strangely hypnotized by his beautiful chocolate eyes, finding myself holding onto his every word. What is wrong with me? I'm supposed to get rid of witnesses, not fall for them.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm going to a friend's party next week. Would you like to come with me?" I take my phone out to exchange numbers, and he happily complied, taking his phone out.

"Sure! It would be an honor to be able to go with you." We exchange numbers and he leaves, somehow disappointed. I walk back into my house and find Fubuki standing in the doorway of the studio with his arms crossed.

"I thought we were gonna go to that party together." He pouts, exaggerating his pouty face and making puppy eyes.

"I need to find a way to kill him. He's the one that saw, so I have to kill him. Nothing more, nothing less. I won't really have any relationship with him." I shrug it off, and Fubuki walks over to me.

"Good, because you're mine. Mine, and mine only." He grabs me by the back of my head and pulls me down to his level, his lips meeting mine, tongues intertwining in a kiss.

"I know, I know." I say breaking the kiss. I'm going to kill that boy. I need to. I have to.


To be continued...

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