Passionately Puzzled

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The first part of this chapter was in the past. It was after Valt had figured out Shu was doing Fubuki.


Daigo Kurogami~

I knew I wasn't going crazy. Shu had just said he had a boyfriend, and there on the tv was Shu passionately kissing a blue haired boy. No wonder why Shu was acting like a teenage girl who's boyfriend broke up with her. He'd been so pissed off during training sessions and I hadn't understood why. And now it all pieced together.

Shu must've been dumped. I think silently to myself, grabbing a clean shirt and pulling it over my head after our unsuccessful choreography session.

"Shu! May I speak to you?" I call to Shu who had busied himself with his reflection, combing his hair down.

"Sure. What do you need?" He asks, still doing his milky white hair.

"Is the reason why you're acting like you're on your period because you were dumped by your boyfriend?" I bluntly ask, his face twisting in surprise.

"What the literal fμck?" Is all he can say, breath taken away by my, what I'm assuming is correct, guess.

"I'm assuming that means yes." I confirm, turning around and leaving. Before I can even set foot outside of the room, he grabs my wrist in desperation.

"Please don't tell anyone. I didn't even like him that much. I was just using him." He murmurs, last part a bit hesitant. I rip my wrist out of his grasp and leave, not replying to that. How the hell was I supposed to? He just admitted to being a playboy. He was abusing his power of being a famous singer and dancer. I sigh angrily and leave him there, mouth dropped in awe.


I just received a text from Ken saying he wanted me to meet him at some restaurant dressed nicely. He said something about it being a blind date, which I was resistant at first, but then he promised me he'd but me a new headband if I went. I had just gotten back from America with the rest of the Raging Bulls. I sigh and immediately go home and get dressed for my blind date. I'm so not excited.

After I dress in tight dress pants and a fresh ironed black blazer, I drive to the restaurant completely bored. I know this is going to blow. I'll probably get there, see the girl, and ditch. That is what I think until...

"Daigo?" The blue haired boy asked. I nodded to confirm it was me and the boy smiled beautifully at me.

"And you must be, Valt Aoi, right?" I asked him.

"Yep!" He exclaimed peppily as I sat down in my seat. I was not expecting this boy to be here. Shu's ex. But what surprised me the most was how easily I was captivated by his attractive smile. Just as Shu said, "what the literal fμck".

"Sir? I asked what you would like to order?" The waitress repeats, throwing me off.

"Uh, yes, I would like whatever he ordered. Also an iced water." I say simply, earning an adorable giggle from Valt. I look away from his chocolate colored eyes, face flushed.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired because of my flight back from America." I reassured him. The waitress comes back with two glasses of water and smiles as she leaves.

"Oh, I forgot you were the incredibly famous Daigo Kurogami." He giggled again and I find myself trying hard not to smile at how cute he is. "I honestly wasn't expecting to get a date with you, but Ken insisted I meet you."

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting to see you either." I say, taking a sip of the water the waitress had left.

"What do you mean?" He curiously questioned me.

"Aren't you Shu Kurenai's ex?" He winces at the name, and looks away ashamed. Fμck, too far?

"Nah, he was just using me as a plaything. Nothing more... Nothing less." He strains to smile, and I can tell he was in pain. I must've hit a nerve.

"Sorry. That was rude of me. I shouldn't have asked." I apologize to him.

"Nah, its all good. He never loved me anyway. It was all one sided." He takes a sip of his water this time and looks me dead in the eyes. "I don't think I loved him either."


The rest of the evening was amazing. He was such an easy guy to get along with. His smile, his laugh, his eyes... I wanted it all. It was an awesome blind date.

"Hey, um... Can I have your number? I really enjoyed this." I asked him after we both exited the restaurant, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Of course! I had a lot of fun as well!" He beamed, taking his phone out and giving me his phone number.

"Thanks. I'll see you..."

"Next Saturday would be nice!" He answers, smiling brightly like an idiot.

"Great." I slightly grin at myself for landing another date with this adorable man, doing mental cartwheels in my head. The only thing that bothered me though was the fact that Shu had easily given this boy up. What the hell is Shu's problem, giving away this adorable cinnamon roll?

I get in my car and decided not to think about it. After all, if Shu didn't give him up, I wouldn't have been able to have this nice date.

"Bzzt, bzzt!" My phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked who it was from. Valt!

Valt_Aoi: thanks 4 takin me out 2nite! it was fun

Daigo_Kurogami: np. it was fun 4 me 2.

Valt_Aoi: cya saturday?

Daigo_Kurogami: yep!

Valt_Aoi: cool! ❤

I smirk at the heart emoji and blush like a little girl would if her crush gave her chocolate. I suddenly get another text from Ken saying,

Idiot: how was the d8?

Daigo_Kurogami: i had fun

Idiot: then i dont owe u nothin

Daigo_Kurogami: fine. anyways... i got another date with him next saturday

Idiot: congratulations. please dont hurt him, kk? hes very sensitive

Daigo_Kurogami: got it. im on the highway now, stop txting me

He's an idiot, but he did introduce me to Valt. I grin remembering the heart emoji and think, I'll definitely have fun next Saturday.


Hehehe! Hope yall enjoyed this chapter! I'm feeling extra productive today, so I made three chapters today!! Yay!!!!

To be continued...

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