Just A Plaything

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Valt Aoi~

"Mmn... Shu?" I groan, waking up and stretching. I must've fallen asleep. I giggle, thinking about how he had called me his blueberry. I'm not a fruit, baka! I slowly stand up from my spot on the couch, not wanting to make any noise. He's probably in his room.

I carefully make my way to Shu's room, steadily making my way up the beautiful marble stairway. He's got such a gorgeous home, I silently think to myself, taking in the beauty of the place. The luscious flowering potted plants lined across the walls, the ceramic pillars towering high above them. Absolutely magnificent. I turn the corner, but stop as I hear a deafening noise.

"Ngh~ Ah! Sh-Shu~! P-Please... In-Inside of... Me~! Hah~!" I hear a familiar voice screaming and moaning from Shu's room. No... No. Nonononononono. I slowly turn around and make my way back downstairs.

I cannot address that type of pain. The pen is the pain.

Because my heart is tearing me apart. The paper is my heart.

I have a perfect lover. I want to keep living in my fantasy. The words I'm thinking are the miles we have between us.

Because I cannot go through the pain of losing someone again. And it all comes crashing down.

I write the painful words down, one by one, tear by tear. Nothing hurt more then the pain of knowing the truth.

I was just another filthy plaything.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.


"You need to stop drinking, Valt. Put that down. I'm taking you home." Rantaro angrily shouts, slamming the bar, drinks wobbling inside their tiny glass cups. Though he's right next to me, it all sounds like he's miles away. It's like I'm drowning in a thousand feet deep water. I'm not even screaming for help. I stay there, the drowning water numbs the pain inside.

"Why does it hurt so much, Rantaro? I only knew him for, like, one month." I mumble into the nothingness of the water.

"What happened to make you this-" he waves in front of me, as if I was staring into space, "stupid?"

"I heard Shu fμcking Fubuki." I grumble quietly, gulping down another shot of the brownish bitter liquid. Now I know why people get addicted to this crap.

"Ouch." Rantaro sighs, grabbing my hand and tugging me away from the liquor stained counter. He tosses some money at the bartender and whispers for them to keep the change. "Lets go. I already paid for all your drinks."

"I don' wanna go. Let me stae!" I groan, incomprehensible yelps escaping my lips. Let me stay here and drown in my thoughts. I don't care anymore. Let the water sweep my pains away. Rantaro drags me all the way to his house, seeing as a big drunk like me left my keys at Shu's place. How stupid, right?

"I hate this. I hate it all." I growl at my stupid self for letting Shu's stupid smile get to my head. Rantaro hauls me into his guest room, and I flop lazily onto the bed.

"You better explain everything tomorrow, idiot." Rantaro mumbles, switching the lights off and shutting the door as he leaves.


That night, I dreamt of swimming in a never ending pool. I was swimming to the top, but it was just out of my reach, never grasping the air I needed. I died over and over and over again, reincarnating only to have the same fate again. I slowly open my eyes, pounding headache waking me. The blinding lights from the open curtains didn't help either. I wipe the sticky drool slobbered all over my mouth, rub my aching eyes caked with crust. I most likely looked like complete crap.

"Valt! You up yet!?" Rantaro shouts, knocking hard on the door.

"Keep it down, Honcho. My head is fμcking pounding." I snarl at him, opening up the door. Here we go.


I told Rantaro basically everything. He just nodded understandably. I admitted that I thought I had feelings for Shu, and how Kristina and him were just using me. It really sucked pokeballs. I hated every second remembering what Kristina said about me and my fantasies. It felt like explaining everything took forever.

But its not like I can do anything about it.

I just can't control it.

Like my feelings for Shu.




I giggle at Ben's embarrassment as he drops the puppy plush he was hugging, and he yaps at me like a dog would to a squirrel. He was the newest member of B.C. Sol's police squad. Apparently he was friends with Ken from the band Raging Bulls, but I didn't care much. Ken, Ben, and I became friends after Ben joined the squad.

My feelings for Shu had faded after the first few months of not talking. He had eventually left for America on a tour. Red Eye had apparently disappeared, but we still had to find him. We also confirmed the gender of Red Eye as a male thanks to me finding him that one night.

"I swear, Valt, if you tell anyone, I will gouge your eyeballs out with a spoon and force you to eat them." Ben weakly threatens me.

"But I have this beautiful picture I would love to send to Ken." Barely holding my laughs in, I hold my phone up to show Ben the picture of him holding the puppy plushie. His face flushes a dark red color, and he swipes at my phone.

"Gimmie that! Don't send that picture to him!" He tries taking the phone again, but to no avail.

"Aaaaaand... Sent!" I say, pressing the send button. He successfully grabs the phone this time, and I let him have it.

"Noooo! My life is ruined!" He screams dramatically.

"Bzzt, bzzt!" My phone buzzed, and Ben's head shot up as he read the text. He starts blushing, and hands the phone to me.

Puppet_Master: awee! cute!!!

Blueberry: ikr!

"Ken says you're cute!" I laugh at him.

"Shaddup, idiot." He playfully punches me in the shoulder.

Puppet_Master: oh, valt, i have someone i absolutely need u 2 meet. u gonna luv him

Blueberry: who is this person??

Puppet_Master: youll c

Blueberry: nu i wanna kno now

Puppet_Master: ill see u at this restaurant at 8, kk?? bring ben with u

Blueberry: fine

Ken sends me the location of a restaurant, and tells me what to wear for the occasion. This'll be fun!


Heyo. Hehehehe. :3

To be continued...

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