Blood Sweat and Tears (BTS reference, lol)

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Valt Aoi~

I woke up shivering next to Shu, completely naked and cold. I replayed the events from last night, and I felt my face burn red. Suddenly, his gorgeous crimson orb eyes fluttered open, staring into my own brown ones.

"Good morning, Valt." He yawned, wrapping his arms around my bare torso. I yelp in surprise, and the albino chuckles.

"Ah, yeah... Good morning." I greeted him back. He opens up his eyes again and takes a good look at my profusely flushed face.

"You're so beautiful... I love you so much, Valt." He places a soft kiss on my forehead and smiles sweetly. I awkwardly smile back and sigh. You too... You're beautiful. Your eyes, your laugh, your personality, your voice... I love them and I want them all.

"Shaddup, idiot. Hurry up and get dressed. We gotta clean up." I growl, pushing him off of me.

"Okay, okay." He laughed, giggling at my embarrassment.


After Shu and I cleaned up the mess we made last night, he left saying he had something to do, and I receive a call from Free saying that the whole squad was going out.

"So, you coming?" He asked over the phone.

"Of course!" I responded, smiling at the idea of B.C. Sol hanging out for the first time in months. Sure, it was freezing outside, but I was very happy.

"Alright, we'll see you at the cafe in ten." He said before hanging up. I hastily get ready, tossing some clothes on. Walking out the door, I notice a black coat hanging off the side of my couch. This must be Shu's... I think, picking it up and hugging it to my chest. I slip it over my shoulders and smile into the sleeve. This is my Shu's... It smells just like him. And it did. His beautiful husky scent was all over the silky fabric, and I loved it. Geez, you're such a pervert, Valt. Stop sniffing Shu's coat and get your butt to the cafe. I mentally screamed at myself, rushing out of the door, locking it, and going to the cafe. I grinned to myself, having the large coat still draped over my shoulders.

When I got to the cafe, everyone but Ben was already there, though we already knew where Ben was. He said that he was 'going to be late', but really, he was too busy locking lips with his 'secret' boyfriend, Ken of the Raging Bulls. I smiled at the thought and waved at my group of friends, Free, Shasa, and Rantaro.

"Hey, guys!" I shouted, earning friendly greetings from the others.

"Nice to see someone else actually made it." Rantaro grumbled.

"I'm right here, idiot." Ben growled finally arriving.

"Whatever you two. Shut up and lets have some fun." Shasa said, smacking them both upside the head, both of them wincing in pain. Free simply chuckled and nodded in agreement with Shasa.


Before we knew it, our fun was ruined by a call saying that Red Eye had been active and we were needed at the scene at once. We immediately rushed to the site, jumping into Free's car and driving there. It was the same tall glass building that Red Eye had been at last month. It was Daigo's apartment building. Completely terrified for my boyfriend's life, I sprinted into the building along with Rantaro. Following him through the evacuated building, we make our way to the 80th floor where Daigo lived. When we got there, the door was already broken open, and I stared at the scene in shock. Red Eye was hovering over my boyfriend, knife held over his head, ready to stab into Daigo.

"Surrender! Put your hands above your head and surrender!" Rantaro shouted, pulling a gun on Red Eye. But in one swift movement, Red Eye stabs into my boyfriend and jumps out of the window. I run over to Daigo's impaled and bloody body and stare in horror, eyes watering in fear of losing another loved one. At the same time, Rantaro stares out of the window and gasps in shock. Red Eye never hit the ground. In fact, he had successfully broken into the room below us and escaped again. Damn it! We'll never chatch him! Rantaro scoffs and punches the wall nearest to him.

Soon, paramedics and more officers show up, taking Daigo from my grasp and questioning me and Rantaro. I peer down at Shu's beautiful coat which was covered in blood, sweat, and tears. I'll wash it for him later. I think to myself, weakly smiling and crying into the soft fabric once again.


"Hey, Valt... I don't think our relationship can work..." Daigo quietly whispers, kissing the plam of my hand gently.

"Why, what did I do wrong!?" I asked hysterically, tears forming in my swollen eyes, though I already knew why. He had been cheating on me since we saw Ukyo at the restaurant.

"It's not your fault... I've cheated on you for several weeks-"

"I know! So what? I cheated on you with Shu last night, how is that any different?" I admitted, harshly cutting him off.

"I'm sorry, Valt. We were just sad and hurt by our ex's and needed someone to be there. We never loved each other." He weakly smiled at me, truth spilling from his lips. I knew it was the truth, but I still wanted to believe, to pretend. "I hope you understand."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to believe a bit longer..." I smiled back and got up. "I gotta go wash up this blood now, I'll see you around, or not."


I take the blood stained coat off and place it gently on my couch, remembering how my visit at the hospital went. It was too late to save anything anyway. Hesitantly pulling my phone out, I dialed the numbers silently. The person on the other end answered and I hiccuped the words out, crying into the phone.

"I need you, Shu."


I know this chapter was crappy, but there is no need to worry! Something big is gonna happen soon!!!

To be continued...

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