Second Chance

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Valt Aoi~

The glittery snowflakes gently fall to the ground, covering the streets in a thick blanket, harsh December air causing my eyes to water. It was currently 7:15 pm, and I was waiting for Daigo to pick me up for another date. It was the fourth time in a row he had skipped a date this month.

Daigo: sorry, im held up in traffic

Daigo: i think we gotta cancel

Daigo: sorry babe

Valt: its ok 👌

Daigo: we can go out tomorrow, i swear

Valt: ok

Daigo: ill make it up to you

Daigo: tomorrow we can watch as much stranger things as you like, sound good??

Valt: ok

Daigo: im so sorry. luv u

Valt: ok. luv u

I was getting tired of his excuses. I already knew he was with his at his ex Ukyo's place. Maybe we weren't cut out for this whole relationship thing. It was only in the spur of the moment when he asked me out. I sigh deeply, warm breath freezing and making a cloud in the air.

"Fμck its cold. Why did I even wait for him this time?" I scowl at nothing but my stupid self. A sudden red scarf wraps around my neck, causing me to jump in surprise. I turn to see an albino boy standing at my side uncomfortably. I gasp at who it is and resist the urge to turn and run.

"You looked cold, so I came over to give you that. I won't ask about why you're screaming. Bye." Shu turns to walk away, but a sudden urge from me forbids me from letting him leave.

"Wait!" I blurt without thinking, my mouth moving on its own. "I... have nothing to do tonight and it's kinda Christmas eve... Wanna maybe... Walk around?"

"What?" His eyes widen at my request, shocked that after six months without a word from me finally speaks to him, nonetheless ask him on a friendly date.

"I'm bored, lonely, and my date just cancelled. Lets go somewhere together." I hesitantly hold out my hand for him to hold, which he gladly takes, intertwining his gloved fingers with mine.

"Sure. Where to?" He happily asked, beautiful scarlet eyes softening.

"Lets go skating at the plaza!" I exclaim, both of us walking hand in hand to the direction of the plaza. Maybe this won't be so bad with him. Maybe I could give him a second chance.


We ended up skating until 8:30, and I was dying of fatigue

"Lets go get something to eat. My ankles are killing me!" I complain, earning a gorgeous, husky, laugh from Shu. I look away from him, face flushed in an embarrassing red shade. He laughs again at my embarrassment and I punch his arm repeatedly, regretting going on this date with him. "Shaddup, stupid baka!"

"Okay, where do you wanna eat?" He can barely ask, still laughing at me. My ears perk up at this, excited he was going to let me choose.

"I want chipotle!" I practically scream, bouncing up and down.

"Okay, okay. Geez, you're such a kid!" He suddenly picks me up bridal style and I squeal in surprise.

"Ah! W-W-What're you doing! Put me down!!"

"You said your ankles hurt. I'm just helping you, princess." He giggles, nuzzling his head in my shoulder, earning multiple yelps from me.

"W-Whatever, stupid Shu-chan." I mumble somewhat angrily. "Besides, isn't Fubuki your princess."

At that, he stops smiling, face twisting sadly. He glares at the snow covered ground, face full of anger and guilt.

"Sorry! I said that without thinking, please don't hate me!" I say, hugging him tightly and pressing my face into his chest not wanting to see Shu's expression of sadness anymore.

"Of course I wouldn't hate you, but please don't make things about Fubuki. I swear I will explain everything once I have time. Can we please just have fun tonight? No more about the past?"

"Yeah. Of course!" I weakly smile at him, still feeling ashamed because of what I said. Not wanting to sit at a table with Shu in an awkward silence at a fast food restaurant, I look down at his coat and murmur, "Can we actually just go to my place? I just wanna talk and catch up on things with you."

"Okay." He whispers, turning to walk in the direction of my apartment. Why do I always ruin the moment?


"Here we are. Where's your key?" Shu asks, still holding me in his arms. I take my key out of my pocket and hand shimmy it inside of the lock. The door unlocks and I open the door quickly, not wanting Shu's arms to get sore by holding me too long. He shuts the door with his foot and secures the lock.

"Hey, Shu?" I whisper as he takes me to my couch and sets me down on the cushions.


"Can you kiss me?" I curiously ask, surprising myself and the albino boy, his eyes widening.

"I-I'm sorry, c-can you repeat that? I don't think I heard you correctly." He stutters, completely thrown off. Running out of patience, I pull him down and slam my lips to his in a kiss, pleasant shivers running down my spine. Damn, I missed his touch so badly.

"I'm sorry about what I said. Hopefully that counts as an apology." I quietly whisper on his lips.

"Valt?" He says my name hushed and beautifully, lustful red eyes peering into my own chocolate amber ones.

"Hmm?" I hum curiously.

"I love you." He presses his lips to mine this time, passionately cupping my face in his gloved hands.


Hehehe. Cliffhangers are fun, right?? Don't worry, the smut is in the next chapter. K bye.

To be continued...

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