Stay With Me

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Before I start this chapter, I just wanna say that I'm sorry for being gone for so long... I was kinda grounded for a few weeks because I yelled at my sister... Yeah. Anyway, enjoy the chapter I guess (even though it's crap).


Shu Kurenai~

I need you... I replayed those bittersweet words in my head, pained voice ringing throughout my brain like a broken record.

"I'll be right there." I told him before hanging up and practically tearing my coat off of it's hanger. I had to be there- no, I needed to be there immediately. My princess needed me. Rushing out of the door, knocking things over in the process, I imagine holding the small boy in my arms tightly, cradling his fragile frame. I'm coming, Valt.

I hurriedly knock the hard wooden door in hysteria, concerned about his mental and physical health. It was bad enough that it took me fifteen minutes to dash to his apartment. What if something terrible happened to him? What if I'm too late? The door slowly opens up in response to my frenzied knocks. Staring into the pale boy's face, I notice the very little things that are off. His beautiful eyes were now glazed with long overdue tears, underneath were dark circles. His gorgeous complexion ruined with a pale shade, skin terribly rough and horrid blemishes were splotched across his tan skin. My heart shattered at the sight and all I could think to do was hug him tightly to erase the pain.

"What's wrong?" I murmured gently into his ear, soft whimpers escaping the smaller boy.

"I-I can't- I-I don't..." He cried into my shoulder, voice breaking and distorting into a mere nothingness but a whimper.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here for you. I'm ready whenever you are." I shushed the boy. Whatever happened must've shook this boy bad if it can make him this upset. Dragging him into his apartment so we're not just standing there in the middle of the hallway, I shut the creaky door behind me, still holding the boy. After a few minutes of me holding the crying boy, he sniffles and peers up at me.

"D-Daigo... broke up with m-me..." He whispers, eyes diverted in another direction, and his voice catching up in his throat. He lets out another strangled cry and digs his face into my chest. "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid. I should never have called you." His muffled voice said into my chest, taking me off guard.

"No-no, hey, you absolutely are not stupid. And there is no reason for you to be sorry for calling me here. Besides, I wasn't doing anything at home anyway." At that, he brought his face up to look at mine and my gaze was surprisingly met with amber glaring daggers.

"Like hell you weren't doing anything. Where the hell did your Fubuki go? You know, the one you slept with!" He screams, pushing out of my grasp.

"I really wasn't doing anything at home, and I only slept with him once, Valt. I'm really sorry-"

"Then why did you do him in the first fucking place? Isn't he underage? You know I could arrest you right now!" He scowled, cutting me off.

"Fubuki left me. He texted me saying that he didn't want me anymore and that he was leaving me for someone else." I glared back at him.

"Serves you right for cheating on me!"

"I didn't cheat on you, Valt. Fubuki forced it on me. He said that if I didn't... He would kill you." I whispered, his eyes widening in shock.

"What do you mean?" He said, voice hushed drastically.

"I said I'd tell you when I was ready-"

"Then when will you be ready to tell me!" He cuts me off once again.

"Look, Valt. I'm just not ready. I'm sorry." I look away from his heartbreaking gaze and sigh completely exhausted.

"No, I'm sorry. I said a lot of things that I shouldn't have said. I'm so sorry." He gently kissed my lips and smiled. "Thank you for coming to see me. I really missed you. Please, stay with me."




"You really aren't planning on joining me and the Raging Bulls?" I asked the giant redhead.

"Nah, I'm already a cop. Besides, I saw someone today at practice who had a lot of potential to be a great officer. I think his name was... Valt? I dunno. He was really something though." He tells me, eyes brightening at the thought.

"Whatever. I don't understand that dumb police crap." I mumble, pissed that he was so happy about another guy. I wanted Xander all to myself, and I didn't like the idea of him being with this, Valt person.

"Awe, your just jealous! Don't worry, you'll always be my best friend!" And that was the problem. I was only his best friend. I could never be more than that. And I wanted more than that. I loved Xander.

"Xander, Shu! Nice to see you here at the cafe!" Zac beamed at us while walking into the cafe we were meeting at.

"Hey, Zac!" Xander excitedly greeted the blonde.

"I told you to call me Zac The Sunrise!" Zac pouted.

"Whatever, Zac The Sunfall." Lui grumbled walking past Zac and seating himself next to me. Me, Xander, Zac, and Lui had been friends since grade school, and we finally decided to meet up again since we graduated high school. Xander was the only one that didn't get into music.

"It's Zac The SUNRISE. Not Sunfall, Sharkie." Zac screams at the insulting name.

"I am not a shark, Sunfall! I just have pointy fricking teeth!" Lui growled, glaring at the blonde.

"Whatever, shark in disguise!" Zac retorted.

"Hey, guys, calm down. Why are you two so late?" Xander said butting in.

"I was too busy signing autographs." Zac proudly said, bragging like always.

"I was too busy not caring about you guys." Lui scoffed.

"Well, I'm out of time. I gotta go to work." Xander sadly announced, all of our eyes widening. He stands up and starts for the exit. "Maybe we can meet another time."

"Yeah, see you later." Lui says watching the giant walk to the exit.

"Good day to you, Xander!" Zac waved goodbye to him. Xander turns around once more to look at his friends. Our eyes meet for a split second before I tear my eyes away from him.

"See ya." I murmured, yearning for him to stay.


I sigh as I hear a knock at my front door, and get up to answer it. It was really strange as to why someone would be here at midnight, but I was curious as to who it was. Unlocking the door, I twist the knob the reveal a sobbing Zac and a horrified Lui.

"Woah, are you guys okay?" I asked, concerned about my friends. After a few minutes, Zac looks up from his hands and softly whispers,

"Xander is dead..."


Hehehe. Sorry again for being so late. Hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter!!

To be continued...

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