Never Official Pt. 4

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In order for the pain to go away, I gotta write it out.

All I gotta say is.....thank you

Thank you for showing me your true colors before it was too late.

Thank you for getting my hopes up and then dropping them.

Thank you for the fake love you've showed me and made me believe.

Thank you for only wanting the one thing you know I can't give unless I'm married.

Thank you for your best friend and his girlfriend.

Seeing your colors showed your real intentions; what you really wanted.

Getting my hopes up to drop them showed me the plans you had up your sleeve

Hearing the fake 'love you's' helped me know where your heart was

You only wanting sex and kids, without being 'tied-down', showed that you can't ever love

Talking to your best friend and his girlfriend showed me that there was some love in you.....

Bu again, you never wanted us to be official

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