What Did I Do?

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.... So I did what I was told.

I hugged the sister,

I hugged the brother

and I was about to fist bump the best friend when your glare stopped me.

You looked at me, then my hand and then back at me.

The hatred in your eyes were as clear as day, but why?

What did I do to make you hate so much?

Did my jokes offend you?

Was I mean to you or something?

Did I even hurt you?

I'm so confused, hurt and heartbroken.

Confused because I don't know what I did to you,

hurt because you hate me for no apparent reason

and heartbroken because I lost someone who was like a brother to me.

I've cared,


and loved you like a brother although I've never admitted it.

I've stressed about your wellbeing day after day,

worried about you when you're too quiet,

and gave you sisterly love when I knew you needed it most.

And in return of all of that,

I get hatred,



and disgust,

all in one quick minute.

Now all I can think about is your glare.

It's imprinted in my mind and it won't go away.

Yes, I was mad, more like angry, with the way you treated me.

But now I'm hurting silently and just completely done with everything.

I'm done trying to figure you out.

I'm done trying to make you happy.

I'm just done with you completely.

But there's one unanswered question I want you to answer......

Did I do something to you that made you hate me so much???






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