Never Official Pt. 5

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Its been 4 years since you broke my heart

4 years since I've last talked to you

4 years since I've blocked you

4 years since I've pushed you to the back of my mind

4 years since I've been truly happy

You would think that after 4 years, I'd be over all the pain and lies......

But I'm not


Because I believed every word you said,

every lie you made me believe,

every plan we made together,

and all the 'I love you's' that were exchanged between us


the 4 year age gap made a big impact

And yes,

I was too young to understand what love really was

But I did love you.

I guess you either didn't see it.....

or you didn't care

I really wished you cared.....

But I'm happy you didn't

because if you did,

I wouldn't be happy with the love of my life......

I wouldn't be happy at all.

I would be;

hidden away from the world,

kept a secret,



and unloved.

But with him I'm:



shown off

and wanted.

So thank you for never making it official.


Hey everybody!!!! It had been a while since I last posted anything and to show how sorry I am, I gave y'all a 5 part poem of something I have gone through. It wasn't easy going through that, mostly alone. It made me question a lot of things, mostly my reason and purpose for being on Earth. I would have suicidal thoughts which took me a few years to overcome but I did it, I made it out alive and became somewhat emotionally stable.

If you have gone through something similar to this, talk to someone; a best friend, a parent,  a teacher, even me. Anyone you trust,  talk to them about it. It took me 4 years to actually talk about it and I felt so good just letting it out and getting advice on what I should do.

Thank you all for the ALL the reads this book has gotten!!!!






See you guys in the next poem! :)

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