Am I?

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Sometimes I question the things I do.

I question whether I'm a good best friend or a person in general.

My actions come with the consequences I know of but couldn't care less about.

You ask me for help

and I try to the best of my ability.

But sometimes I feel like I'm not telling you what you want to hear.

You say it helps

but I know it doesn't, not even a bit.

It hurts knowing that the best advice I could give,

doesn't give you even a little bit of relief.

I feel like the advice I give,

just backfires on you but you try to hide your disappointment.

Maybe that's why you're even more sad after hearing my advice.

Because you know my advice won't work

but you still need to be told something in order to make a decision.

You accept my advice because you don't wanna hurt my feelings.....

that won't hurt me.

What hurts me is you not telling me the truth.

If you tell me the advice given doesn't work,

I'll try to think of another idea.

But enough about that.....

The question still lingers..........

Am I a good friend?

Am I doing my job right?

Am I helping your situation at all?

Am I?






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