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Veronica's POV
School days went by and I got more and more agitated by school life all for the following reasons...

1. Alisa and Brandon
2. No active type clubs for girls
3. People who thought I was bullying Alisa
4. Alisa and Brandon... again

The fall winds blew swirled the dried up leaves into a small whirl wind. I walked down the nearly empty halls acknowledging the fact that they were in fact not empty. I could tell there were people hiding, it was obvious. Usually it was a group of girls who came from noble families that would attempt to harass me. This time seemed different. I casually walked the halls pretending not to notice them and waited for them to start a fight so that I could use self defense as an excuse. The teachers here understood the situation and in like most of the student body, were not mindlessly doing stupid things based on the rumor that I bullied someone. I glanced to the pillar in which a rather large boy was standing behind. I guess the boys were finally joining in too.

"Stop hurting Alisa!" The round boy cried while jumping out from behind the pillar. "She is a gorgeous angel who has done nothing wrong! Just look at her face... her blue eyes... golden hair... she is my idol!"

I rolled my eyes at him and replied, "I haven't done anything to Alisa." I paused for dramatic effect. "If people placed based accusations on emotion all of humanity would break apart. Find the proof that should exist if you are truly right." Is smiled, not that anyone could see, "Do you know who I just quoted?"

The boy looked nervously at the other pillars where others were hiding for a chance to jump out quite obviously. "I-I don't know..." he muttered.

"Janet Fowl." I stayed with conviction. This was a lie, I just made that up but everyone else was too stupid to notice. I was trying my best not to burst out laughing. "I read it in a book once."

"Your nothing like Alisa! You'll never be as good as her. She's pretty, sweet, and I'm gonna be the man to protect her!" He screamed at me. What a creep. Why is this world so gender bias?

At the moment he said that he waved and a bunch of guys with swords came out. "We won't hurt you, we just want to teach you a lesson," one guy smirked. "You just need to stop bullying Alisa."

Are these guys blind? Who's bullying who? My god everyone is stupid. I could tell the blade of the sword was dull so it was obviously a practice sword used in the sword fighting club. I guess they really didn't intend to hurt me. Just scare me. I chuckled. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Bwahahahaha!" I laughed so hard my eyes started watering. I smiled, not that they could tell, only Wesley knew what I was thinking behind this mask. "You expect to scare me with that?" I used my super speed and grabbed the sword from the thug type guy. I spinner him towards his friends with the sword aimed at his throat. They stared at me with a mix of shock and horror on their faces. "Relax. It's not going to hurt anyone." I lowered the sword and tried pricking my finger with the blade. No blood was drawn, I guess my guess was right.

"But... I swear I got it from the coach's locker!" One of the boys shouted.

Wait... did they really intend to harm me? Why is everyone here insane! Someone I didn't notice stepped out from around a corner.

"That's because I replaced it." Wesley laughed as he appeared from the corner. "I couldn't let you hurt my little Veronica!" His emphasis on the little in that sentence was directed towards me. "Oh, I hope you don't mind but I brought along a friend to watch these entertains series of events!"

"I hope you all are ashamed of yourselves!" The vice principal Goodman stepped out from the same corner as Wesley. "Trying to harm another student is unacceptable! All of you to my office!"

Most of the boys looked dejected but one was smiling, the first one to jump out who was slightly rounded. "At least we're taking her down with us!" He laughed for his small victory.

"Silence Leonard!" The teacher spat, clearly aggravated. "Veronica is exempt from punishment under the pretense of self defense."

Leonard joined the others with a look of disappointment. They wouldn't be getting too harsh of a punishment seeing as they all came from wealthy families. This was a prestigious school after all and the only way to attend was to either ace the entrance exam like Wesley and I did, or buy your way in. Commoners were unlikely to have an education and nobles were usually brats with no regard for their actions or learning. In other words, Wesley and I are rare exceptions of decent students.

Wesley smiled as the group of hooligans walked away. He then burst out laughing. "Janet Fowl?" He sputtered in the middle of his laughter. "They actually believed you, that's the funny part. You obviously made that up on the spot!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, now that that's done with, how did you know what was gonna happen?"

"Oh, I over heard one of them talking about it ever so loudly during P.E." He said no longer laughing. "If I hadn't replaced he sword someone could have seriously gotten hurt." The air grew still as the atmosphere turned serious.

I tried lifting the mood a bit. "Well at least we both know that person wouldn't have been me! They couldn't lay a finger on my skills!"

"Yeah..." his mood slightly lifted but he still seemed worried.

"Are you okay?" I asked. His mood seemed a bit down.

"Yeah, fine." He smiled. His eyes showed he wasn't actually happy. "I just was worried if something actually could have happened to you."

"I'm fine!" I smiled grabbing his arm. "Let's go to the tree tonight, it's been a while since we last went there."

"Sure." This time his smile was genuine.

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