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The wagon ride back was mostly silent. Coach Larkey announces that we would all be visiting he king since we all had testimonies to report of the incident. Wesley looked nervous at the news. "Meet me at the tree tonight. There's something I need to tell you before we meet the king." He whispered.

"Okay." I whispered back. Why did he look so nervous?


That night I snuck out to the tree where Wesley was waiting. He looked tired and worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Remember when I said I couldn't tell you certain things?" He asked.

"Yes..." I replied. Is he finally going to tell me what it is?

He grasped me in his arms and pulled me in for a tight hug. "I hope you don't hate me for not telling you this. I promise you it wasn't my choice. If it was up to me I would have told you long ago." His voice sounded scared. "King Darwin... is my father. I'm the prince of Erifia." His voice broke on the last sentence.

The words rang through my ears. Prince? He was a prince!?

He noticed I was quiet then rambled on. "I just wish I could of told you sooner. I know I don't deserve your-"

I cut him off covering his mouth with my hand. "Shut up." I looked up into his eyes. "You idiot, I don't care. I don't care whether your a prince or a commoner. That's not why I'm with you. I get that you couldn't tell me, it's okay."

He seemed relieved at those words. "Thank you for understanding." He slumped his head onto my shoulder. "I was so scared you would hate me. I was so scared you would never want to see me again."

"Wes... I love you." The words just sort of slipped out and even I was surprised at them. "I mean uh..."

He stared at me in shock then smiled. He leaned in close to my face and whispered. "I love you too Veronica." He kissed me passionately and I could swear fireworks were going off in my brain. We cuddled together for the rest of the night and smiled. I want to be with Wesley forever.


Everyone from the camping trip had gathered at school the next day to hear what Coach Larkey has to say.

"Okay, the king has agreed to see us and hear what we have to say. He agrees that this is a very urgent matter that needs to be dealt with properly." Coach Larkey announced. "We will be escorting the goblins there as well. Our audience with the king will take place this afternoon, any questions?"

Nobody raised their hand. We were dismissed and went on to class. The day went on like normal until the afternoon came. We would all be missing our two last periods for this. We crammed all of us into three separate royal carriages and we were off to the palace. Before we left Alisa had bugged me about why I got to go to the palace instead of her. She kept on saying that she should be the one going and not me. What the heck goes one in her mind?

We arrived at the palace after around 20 minutes in the carriage. We unloaded the goblins from the back and had some guards help keep watch on them. The whole time they spat insults at everyone they saw and struggled to get out of the ropes binding them. We entered a large room with two large brown doors. It was the throne room and at the end of it in a large chair sat the king. His beard had many gray hairs and his eyes looked fire but he was still regal nonetheless.

"Are these the goblins?" He questioned gesturing to the struggling goblins.

"Die! We're not revealing anything!" The larger goblin shrieked. He spat at the king but it didn't land anywhere close to him. "Our king will rule all and when he does You kingdom will burn to the ground!"

The king remained calm and waved his hand. "Take them away to question."

A set of guards dragged the screaming goblins out of the room to who knows where.

"I want to hear what you saw from each of you individually." The king announced. "Please wait outside you will be called in one by one."

Everyone exited the throne room and stood outside. One by one students were called in and left. Finally it was Wesley's turn.

Wesley grabbed me by the arm and dragged me in after him. "Wait what are you doing?" I hissed.

The large doors shut behind us keeping anyone from hearing the conversation. "Father, I request to stay with Veronica here." Wesley announced.

The king looked shock then slowly nodded. "Granted but I would like to talk to you about other things as well then."

"Of course, Veronica and I heard more of the goblins conversation than he others." Wesley started. "We heard that they plan to get her up other monsters and attack the kingdom by the next full moon."

I nodded along in agreement. "I believe it would be best if security until then is increased..." I realized I spoke out of turn but the king didn't seem to mind and nodded instead.

"I will take that into consideration." He announced. "In the meantime, Wesley, I want an explanation."

"Right..." Wesley looked nervous. "This is Veronica. She and I are together." He said the last sentence with confidence and grabbed my hand. It made my heart flutter a little.

The king looked surprised. "Wesley you can't just marry a commoner."

"She's not a commoner." He explained.

I stepped forward with confidence. "I am the Veronica Warcrete the daughter of a duke and duchess."

The king looked surprised again. "Then it seems an engagement will need to be negotiated with whoever your current guardian is."

Engagement? I guess in this world it's normal to get engaged early on if you are royalty or of nobility. I don't mind it since it's Wesley.

"My guardian right now is just a commoner..." I explained slowly.

He waved the issue off like it was no big deal. "No matter, I will talk to him fair and square. Please right down his address on this piece of paper." A servant handed me a piece of parchment t and a quill. I wrote down the name of the shop and the address.

Wesley looked at me concerned. "Are you really okay with this? Getting engaged and all."

I smiled and took his hand. "I'm okay as long as it's you."

The king laughed. "I haven't seen Wesley this happy in a long time."

Wesley laughed embarrassed.

"You are dismissed." The king winked at Wesley in encouragement and Wesley's face turned pink. I smiled internally, at least the king is reasonable... to some extent.

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