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Life had been pretty normal for the next four months. I had gone to school and now it was summer break. I looked at the June sky in wonder with a hint of sadness. I missed Wesley. I want to see him again. I could hear loud cheers in the distance. What? Today I wore a skirt since girls weren't supposed to wear pants and I no longer had my mask. I made my way down the sunny cobblestone roads with a basket for food. I had to buy groceries but right now the loud herring was really distracting. I wandered to where people were lined up along the streets with guards blocking them from walking in the middle of the road.

"The prince is home!" One voice equaled happily.

"I wonder if I'll get to meet him!" Another said.

"He's so hot I want to marry him!" Another called.

Okay that last one was weird but, Wesley was home? I looked beyond the guards blocking my path and realized it was a parade. On top of a horse, a charming boy I recognized was smiling and waving. Be spotted me in the crowd and flashed me a wink while mouthing something along the lines of, you know where to find me.

"Oh my god he winked at me!" One girl called to her friends. They started arguing over who he winked at and I just rolled my eyes.

"He obviously winked at me." A squeaky voice mutter in annoyance behind me. I turned around only to find Alisa.

She was surprised when she noticed me and corrected, "never mind it was probably at you."

I smiled as best as I could. "Hey Alisa."

She sighed. "Hi, listen, I'm sorry about all the things I did back in school. It was stupid and I was immature."

You're still immature, I thought.

"Anyways. What I'm trying to say is all that stuff wasn't my fault to just forgive me." She snapped.

It was not the best apology, in fact is was really awful for an apology, but she tried and I didn't blame her. She had a major crush on Wesley, just like most girls in school, and reacted in probably not the best way she could have.

"It's fine." I said awkwardly.

She twirled her hair. "Don't expect us to become besties of friends and do makeovers while holding hands and singing song, ok!" She quickly added.

"Yeah, I know." I deadpanned. "I'd rather not do any of that."

We nodded in agreement and walked away. She was so toxic. Being around her at all made me feel like I was losing brain cells.

That night I snuck out of the house and past the gates. In the grassy clearing under the moon light sat a tall tree. Our tree. I climbed the tree ranch steps up to the top to find lanterns and the mattress all set up.

I gasped and Wesley turned around. "Its just like the night I first admitted to liking you..." he said awkwardly.

He had grown taller and slightly tanned. His dark hair fell attractively over his eyes that sparkles like green gems. I ran to him while practically jumping on him. He hugged me as we fell on the mattress. Our faces were inches away from each other and his breathe tickled my long eyelashes. He licked his lips which made me blush and leaned in to kiss me. His lips felt warm on mine. I roamed my hands on his hard chest and my hand got caught on his shirt accidentally lifting it up slightly. I stopped kissing him and looked down at his practically perfectly toned stomach. My whole face burned in embarrassment as I stared and he chuckled.

"I've been training." He laughed. "After you got hurt I felt like I had to protect you so I perfected my sword skills as best as possible."

I was sad at the fact that he felt like he could t protect me. "You idiot." I lightly punched his arm. "I didn't hear from you for months! No letters, no messages. Not a word!"

"I've been busy. I wanted to be able to see you as soon as possible so that meant no distractions what so ever." He laughed but it sounded like an apology.

"Humph!" I crossed my arms and looked away in protest.

He snaked his arm around my back and pulled me closer. "Come on, please forgive me shortie."

He used the old nickname he gave me. I turned to him and said, "fine... Wes." I emphasized the Wes then kissed him again passionately. He kissed back like he was cherishing every moment.

"Good news." He whispered after stopping kissing. "I found my fathers final wish papers."

"Oh?" I questioned confused on why he was telling me this.

"One of the things was that I get to decide who the queen aka the girl I get to marry." He whispered in my ear. "The council can't object now can they."

I blushed at the tickling feeling in my ear as he gently but it.

"Eeep!" I let out a small squeal from the unexpected feeling. "Wha are you saying?"

He stopped and looked me in the eyes. "Veronica Warcreste, you are a gorgeous beautiful amazing girl that I love. In the future you will have many men who will want your hand in marriage. Will you please agree to an engagement with me?" He asked pleadingly.

I was shocked. At this age in this world it wasn't unusual for a girl to get engaged in fact many nobles were engaged since birth. I thought it over.

"Yes!" I smiled lovingly. "I will."


0-o sooo... um, it's done but! If you people want I can write a marriage chapter or a chapter with their kids but only if you want me to. If no then just say you think it should end here. Okay. Bye.

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