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"Listen up!" Coach Larkey called out to everyone. "As most of you may already know, it is a tradition for the best of the freshmen to join the annual spring hunting trip hosted by the school for the upper class man fighting club. This year the eligible candidates are... Veronica, Wesley, Chandler, Benjamin, and Charles. The rest have the days off during the trip. Dismissed."

I stretched my limbs getting ready to practice. Wesley tapped my shoulder. "Are we gonna duel today?" We bother blushed since we were now... in a relationship.

"Um, I was thinking about practicing my elemental magic today. After all elemental magic can be a big part of fighting." I replied nervously.

"But your element is nature... are you gonna throw rocks at me?

"Not... quite." I replied not wanting to give away any of my trump cards. "Let's go closer to the trees today." I pulled his arm along towards a more hidden area. "I want to try something..."

He got his fire magic ready. "I promise I won't burn you but are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes." I was determined to test something out.

"Alright but please be careful." He warned. "Fire can really hurt."

He got two small fireballs ready and blasted them towards me. I myself grabbed two seeds from my pouch of acorns and tossed them directly at the fireballs. They grew larger as I willed them to and caught the fire mid air and continued straight at Wesley who ducked last minute.

"What the heck was that!?" He was in aw and not really sure what just happened.

"Seeds, acorns to be precise." I examined the burning lumps of wood that landed a little past where Wesley previously stood. The wood slowly fell apart at the fire. "Looks like it wouldn't to be able to stay I the air too long otherwise it may fall apart. No matter, I don't need it to stay in the air for too long anyways.

"Are you sure normal people can do that?" He asked. "I've never seen a nature elemental do anything more than lift rocks for short periods of time and have a green thumb."

I thought back to what I was told about meditation. "No, I'm not sure that this is normal."

He smiled. "As expected of you shortie."

He patted my head and I pouted. "Shut up!"

He extinguished the fire quickly so that it wouldn't spread. I examined this thoroughly and realized his control was on an expert level. Had be been training since a very young age? Impossible.

Club activities ended and I walked home with Wesley.

"Don't forget to prepare for the hunting trip." I commented as he was about to walk away.

"I won't!" He gave me a wink and smiled. "See you tomorrow."

My heart beat a little faster. I ran and wrapped my arms around him. He was surprised but hugged me back. We both blushed and I let go.

"See you later Wes." I whispered.

"Bye shortie." He smirked.

A week went by and finally the infamous hunting trip came around. I lugged my enormous backpack full of food and clothes and any other things I might need. I bid goodbye to Mr. Evan since I wouldn't see him for a while, not that it made much of a difference, and set out with Wesley to school. Parked outside the school was what I assumed to be this worlds version of a school bus but was really just a long wagon with seats in the back. Coach Larkey stood outside the gate.

"No classes for you guys until the hunting trip is over, you have been excused if any catching up work since you don't really need to catch up." Coach Larkey read off a list then gestured to the wagon. "Please stuff your things inside and find a seat."

Wesley hoisted himself into the wagon and gave me a hand getting up too. There were a lot of empty seats since we were slightly early and most of the seniors had not gotten here yet. I played Rock Paper Scissors with Wesley while we waited and we talked.

"So... you mentioned your from a noble family, right?" Wesley mentioned quietly. "Which one?"

"I'm from the Warcrete family." I whispered.

"Oh, I heard the town the governed had a revolt years ago. They a managed to kill the duke and duchess but then a family member inherited their title and things haven't gotten much better for that town." He explained. "You don't look anything like the duke and duchess though, are you sure your related?"

"Yeah... how do you know what they look like?" I realized he had said he had seen them. "Even I haven't met them, well other than when I was born of course."

"Oh uh, they had a parade when I visited there once. They sat on top of one of the floats and waved." He added quickly.

"Oh, hard to believe that you know their faces better than I do." I looked down at my hands.

Wesley patted my back gently and the anger and sadness went away. "They don't deserve you, they never have." He stated with conviction.

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Thanks."

More people had started to gather in the wagon but they didn't notice us since we were in the back tucked in a dark corner. My eyes closed and my consciousness faded to the clopping of hooves and the bumping of the cart.

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