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During the training and recruits we had spread word about there being an attack on the full moon but very few believed us. We still had at least some preparation. The king had stocked up on the kingdoms medical supplies, we had trained civilians as best as we could, we barricaded many buildings, pre made refugee buildings, and many of the kings personal guards were on duty tonight. The full moon was high in the night sky and I looked to the forest. I was stationed at the school, that had been turned into a refugee zone, on the field that boarders the trees. Ahead of time I had taken the acorns and planted them all along the edges. The trees swayed unnaturally and small growls could be heard coming from the tree line. A war cry was sounded from the enemy and at that exact moment hundreds of goblins, werewolves, trolls, and banshees, exploded out from the forest. I readied my stance and willed the acorns I had planted to attack. Wood trunks shot up from the ground and the branches entangled around the creatures. A few had managed to make it past but were easily defeated by our fighting club members who had also been stationed here. The monsters and people alike stared in shock, confusion, and fear as they saw the trees sprout  and take down its victims. I ran towards the goblins with only the intent to disable their troops and not kill but something clicked inside me. Memories of the night Garrett died. Memories of the night my family died. It all flooded back and burning rage ignited somewhere in me. Blinded by fury I bloodied the battle ground just like everyone else. My adrenaline rushed through me and I felt unbeatable. Or so I thought. A tall almost human looking goblin emerged from the trees with a torn up looking cape draped over his shoulders. The goblin king. He glared at me and smiled. He had sharp metal talons and pointy yellow teeth. His legs were too long to be normal just like his arms and his hair was oily and long with small patches of bald. I ran towards him no longer blinded by rage. Instead sending danger. I swung my sword at his neck but he blocked it with his metal arm cuffs.

"What are you, Wonder Woman!?" I yelled through gritted teeth.

He clearly didn't know who that was or what that was and tilted his head sideways. I took that chance to strike again but was met with nothing but air. He had dodged my attack so easily. An anger burned in his eyes as he stared back at me. Scared. I was scared. I jumped back as he swung at me this time. He lunged towards me but I ran. I clumsily climbed up the roof of the school in hopes he wouldn't be able to catch me. I peered over the edge to find him nowhere on the battle ground. I looked down at the wall beneath me and found him scaling the wall. His skin was eerily pale with a tint of green and the moonlight was not doing him any favors. I continued running jumping from roof to roof in any attempt to escape. This wasn't a fight or battle. This was a hunt. I ran towards the center of the town hoping that the trained guards of the king would help. Wait the king. I couldn't let this beast anywhere near the king. I changed my course to swerve around and stay away from the castle but to no avail. Being on the roof at all gave him a great view of the palace and right away this was no longer about me. It bounced away towards the castle at an unimaginable speed. I stopped running and looked to it. Shoot. I ran at top speed towards it. I was gaining. It was slow progress but I was gaining. I had to kill it before it got there. The guards. Yes! They could beat it, they were highly trained to keep the palace safe. Before they even noticed it was coming though, the goblin king had sliced their heads off with its sharp talons.

"No!" I screamed. It's over. It's all over.

I followed after the goblin king into the castle and down the hall. This hall... it leads straight to the throne room which is currently a makeshift emergency clinic. All the people in there have to get out.

The big brown doors were crushed open as the goblin king had run into the room. Everyone stared in shock. The king was kneeling on the ground tending to an injured person wound. I ran as fast as I could to block him and nearly didn't get there in time as a sharp metal talon gashed my chest and stomach. It would have struck my face but the mask blocked it. My mask cracked at the force and fell to the ground in shattered pieces.

"Shoot!" I whispered hoarsely as I felt myself falling. It can't end like this. What about the king? My body hit the floor and it felt hot and cold all over again. This is just like when I got shot in my previous life only... ten times more painful. My thoughts were becoming clouded as the goblin drew nearer to the king and he yelled at people to evacuate. He drew his sword and got in a readying stance. He wouldn't be able to defeat the goblin king and he knew it.

"Ver- Veronica!" A voice cried. Wesley I'm sorry. "No! You can't! Please!"

I smiled up at him. I think. I don't know it's really hard to think when you're on the verge of death and losing large amounts of blood. I looked to the king where the goblin king had his arm raised ready to strike. Wesley saw this as well and cried, "No!" But it was already too late. The claw was plunged into the kings chest as he stumbled backwards. His body lay stiff and it was an obvious instant kill. Wesley lay holding me with tears streaming down his face. He slowly stood up and readied his sword. Wesley no. Don't do it. I can't lose you too!

The monster of a goblin king just stared back at him with beady pitch black eyes. It staggered forward even though it wasn't injured and smiled and toothy and creepy smile. In the blink of an eye Wesley had been tossed to the side of the room.

"Wesley!" I wanted to cry out but the words were caught in my throat.

Night poison. Those words echoed through my head and I thought back to the serpent the night Garrett died. I willed my body to stand and it slowly got up. I touched my wound and painted my sword with as much of my blood as I could bare. I staggered towards the goblin king quietly with stealth but quickly using speed. Last minute he sensed I was behind him and spun around but I was too late. I drove the sword, covered in my poisonous blood, right into his skull and he sailed in pain it was an awful sound. His knees buckled and I let go of the sword. His body crashed to the ground with a loud thud that shook the room. The shaking and unbalance of the floor caused me to fall and I blacked out. The darkness that fell over me as I slept was oddly soothing.

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