In Trouble | Part Seven

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While Peter was on his last day of suspension, his class was taking a field trip. And, guess where? To Stark Industries. Peter's home, where Ned knew that he was currently at.

Ned has tried to text Peter about it when he was on the bus, because Mr. Harrington had kept it a secret until the class was on the bus. However, Peter's phone had died the night before, so he didn't get any of the texts.

However, Ned wasn't that worried. Peter usually kept to the penthouse and the couple of floors below it, none of which the tour group would be going to.

- - - - - - - - - - meanwhile - - - - - - - - -

Peter decided on the climbing wall as a quick warm up. He pressed a button on the side marked 'spidey', and half of the grips retracted into the wall, so it was tougher to climb. But, with Peter's powers, he still had no problem scaling it.

Next, he walked over to the benchpress and stacked some weights on the bar. An average high schooler would be able to lift about 160 pounds, give or take a few, but Peter had no problem with just under 1000.

Then he moved the equipment to the side and started the simulation.

Rubber bullets whizzed through the air, and Peter dodged them all deftly, while running and jumping to avoid the obstacles.

Unbeknownst to Peter at the time, his entire class was watching him through the glass. The tour guide had led them there, hoping that the class would be able to see some of the Avengers training, not expecting to see Peter in there.

Peter's spidey sense tingled, but he just brushed it off as from the simulation. However, he got worried when it was still tingling after the simulation had finished.

He looked around the room, wary, and finally towards the window, where he saw all of his classmates gaping at him.

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