You Know Russian? | Part Four

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They started slowly, building up speed until their limbs were barely visible. From the outside, it was like an expertly choreographed dance.

Legs kicked out and arms punched air, each blow never landing but coming close. They moved fluidly, each step and each move thought out and executed in a split second.

Nat got in a hit, knocking him to the ground, and put out a hand to help him up.

"давай, маленький паук, я знаю, ты можешь сделать лучше." Natasha Saïd, reverting back to Russian. (Translation: Come on, little spider, I know you can do better.)

"В этот раз я постараюсь сделать лучше, но ничего не могу гарантировать." Peter responded, and grabbed her hand to pull himself up. (Translation: I'll try to do better this time, but I can't guarantee anything.)

"снова?" He said, waiting for her response. (Translation: Again?)

"еще один раунд," she said, and they both got back in position. (Translation: One more round,)

They repeated the process. Peter would have lost ten times, but he had his spider sense to guide him and some knowledge of her fighting skills.

This time it was Peter who won the round, although he could tell that his мама паук was going easy on him.

"ты позволил мне победить," he said, a confused expression on his face. (Translation: You let me win,)

"ну, у нас есть гости, и я подумал, что позволю вам произвести на них впечатление." She said, quirking a corner of her mouth up. (Translation: Well, we do have guests, and I figured that I'd let you impress them.)

Now that he wasn't sparring and in the heat of the moment, he could hear slight whispers and gasps coming from the viewing area.

He felt dread pool in the pit of his stomach, and he thought of who those "guests" would be, and why they would make Nat, who's usually so stone faced, smirk.

Today was the surprise location field trip. It couldn't possibly be to Stark Industries, right? But, Tony would have had to okay it, and he knew that it was Peter's class.

He finally turned around, to see the shocked faces of his science class in the viewing area.

"Oh, shoot." He said, and glared at Nat.

"You knew the whole time!" He said, whispering angrily to her.

"What can I say, I guess I'm just more attentive." She said. "Oh, and also because Tony told me that your class was coming here."

Of course Tony had to tell her. And probably the rest of the Avengers as well. But, to be honest, what did Peter expect? He was Tony Stark after all.

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