Bucky's Cookies | Part Eight

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The elevator rose up, carrying the group to their next destination; the business meeting. Out of all the activities planned for the day, this was for sure the least interesting for the students.

Even for Peter. When they arrived and sat in the viewing area, he at first tuned in with his super hearing, but just ignored it when all he heard was boring business plans.

Whenever Mr. Stark had brought him to the meetings, they were always with the higher-ups. Those meeting were between Mr. Stark and Pepper and the company execs and sometimes CEOs.

He opted instead to pull out his phone discreetly, and text Ned, who was sitting on the opposite end of the viewing area, before eventually getting bored of that too.

Soon enough, the meeting was over, and Peter's class exited the area, heading further down the hallway.

McKenna led them to one of the last doors along the hallway, explaining that it was one of the old training rooms for the Avengers.

Everyone in Peter's class (except for Peter himself, of course) was super stoked to be able to actually go in and try out the equipment.

As soon as the door shut, a quiet hissing sound, barely heard at all, came out from the door, and a soft humming came on as the soundproofing was activated.

McKenna started going into the details of the room and explaining what the class could do/use, which Peter steadfastly ignored. He felt kind of bad about it, but he'd heard it all before, and heck, even said it before when he had to lead tours.

"Dude, this is awesome!" Ned whispered from beside Peter. "I can't believe you get to train in this weekly!"

"Oh, if you think this is cool, just wait until I show you the actual training room the next time you come over here!" Peter whispered back animatedly.

"So cool," Ned responded.

McKenna finished talking, and the class spread out, trying out the various pieces of equipment.

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