Sort Of Sick | Part Two

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Peter spent the rest of that day lounging around on the couches for the most part, with his noise-cancelling headphones in. They were regular quality, built for non-enhanced individuals like Peter, so they of course didn't block out everything. However, they did lessen the strain put on Peter, and served to lower the volume of the room in general.

He checked the grades portal to see what the homework was, since most of his teachers put in the assignments beforehand, and completed as much of them as he could. That, and he got updates from Ned about the school day and what they did.

His English teacher assigned them essay about the basic workings of cell phones, with a couple of websites linked in the prompt. The due date was set for a week from the current Monday, with a helpful reminder at the bottom of the assignment that it wouldn't be wise to procrastinate and wait until the last day.

To be completely honest, Peter thought that those reminders, while helpful to some, served no purpose whatsoever for preparing them for actual timed essays. 'You can't write an essay in a day', the teachers would always tell them. However, when it came to state tests, they were apparently expected to structure out an entire essay, write it, proofread it, and double-check everything in the span of an hour and a half or less. But back to the topic at hand.

Peter finished the essay in a whopping half-hour, a record for him. However, it's not like he didn't already know all of the information, being Tony Stark's kid. Tony had let Peter have a hand in the design for the newest line of StarkPhones, and so Peter knew more than just the basic workings of the cell phone. He knew the mechanics of cell phones, the wirings, the coding required, and how it all went together to form the piece of tech.

He had no doubt that he was going to get a good grade on it, but wanted to make sure, so he called Tony over to check.

"Dad?" Peter said, walking over to the elevator when he didn't hear a response. If Tony wasn't in the common room, then he was most likely in his lab on the floor directly below.

When the elevator reached the correct floor, Peter walked out of it, clutching his computer. He heard AC/DC playing on a relatively low volume, which signaled to him that Tony was tinkering on some project in there, most likely the newest version of the Iron Man suit.

He saw Tony in the corner, working on the Iron Man suit like Peter had predicted.

"Dad? Can you look over my paper for English?" Peter said, setting the computer down on the workstation.

"Sure, Underoos," Tony said, and put down the tools he was using before. He looked over the paper for a couple minutes while Peter started fiddling with the scraps at one of the other workstations.

"Looks all good to me," Tony said, which satisfied Peter. The teenager picked the computer back up and headed back up to the common floor to do the rest of his homework.

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