Kidnapped (Kind Of) | Part One

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Peter's class was going on a field trip. And guess where it was? Stark Industries. Of course. Right now they were on the bus headed there.

"Hey Parker! Now everyone will see your lies!" Flash said, sneering at Peter. When he got no response, he threw a paper ball at Peter, who dodged it deftly without even thinking about it.

He was preoccupied with worrying about what the Avengers would do when they found out that Peter was there and on a field trip with his class. With his Parker Luck, at least 6 of them would be there.

The bus jolted to a stop, and everybody piled out of it, staring up in awe at the tower. Well, everyone except for Peter. He lived there, after May died a couple months ago, so the view was anything but new.

They walked into the lobby, gaping at how grand it was. It was Tony Stark's building; of course he wanted the place that the most people would pass through to be impressive.

The teacher, Mr. Watson, walked up to the receptionist, and asked about the tour.

"Midtown High, for 9:00?" The receptionist asked.

"That's us!" He said.

"Alright, we'll have a tour guide with you shortly." She said, picking up the phone.

Peter and the rest of the class waited for a couple more minutes before the tour guide came over. It was Stacy, one of the interns that Peter knew.

When she saw him, she gave a surreptitious wave, before addressing the class.

"Hello, Midtown High! I'm Stacy, and I'll be your tour guide for today! These are your guest passes. They'll last for today but will be deactivated once you leave the premises, and you can keep them as souvenirs." She said, and started to pass them out.

She gave them to everyone except for Peter, which Flash noticed. "Miss?" He said, not bothering to remember her name. Stacy noticed, but still answered him.

"Yes?" She asked, irritation on her face barely covered up by what Peter called her "customer service smile".

"Pe-Parker didn't get a badge." He said, smirking at Peter.

"Oh, that's because he already has one. Stark Industries has a very strict policy on reprinting badges. One, it's a security risk, especially for someone with Peter's clearance. And two, it's bad for the environment."

She smiled at Peter briefly before saying, "Moving on."

She led the class through the scanner, and FRIDAY announced their clearance levels as soon as they walked through. Well, crap.

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