Happy Birthday? | Part One

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Today was Peter Parker-Stark's birthday. It had started off great, with a big birthday breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes made by his Uncle Steve.

However, as soon as he got to school things started to go downhill.

Ned was waiting at his locker with a small balloon, and wished him a happy birthday. However, Flash had actually been passing by and heard that.

"Puny Parker, is it your birthday?" Flash said. "It's too bad that you don't have any family to spend it with." He said, smirking before walking away.

Peter thought that it was over, but it was Flash, so of course not.

He continued to bully him all throughout the day, until 6th period came around.

Peter had forgotten about the surprise-location field trip that was that day. He had had May sign it months ago, when she was still alive.

They boarded the bus, and headed off.

- - - - - Time skip - - - - -

Peter had thought that the route they took felt familiar, and then the reason why hit him like a punch in the gut.

The field trip was to Stark Industries. His home. Where he and his family lived. Peter's infamous Parker Luck (TM) must have played a part in this, because how else would Peter be this unlucky?

They got off the bus, everyone except for Peter ogling at the building. Flash shoved past him, almost knocking him to the ground.

Ned helped him steady himself, and then the class walked into the building.

Trips to Stark IndustriesWhere stories live. Discover now