Glitter? | Part Two

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Peter greeted all the Avengers that were in the common room, then dropped his backpack next to the couch.

"Hey, Pete! Up for a round of Mario Kart?" Clint asked, finishing a round with Sam. Peter went through his mental checklist of everything he had to do that day, and when seeing that he had nothing left to do except for get the permission slip signed, he agreed.

The game was very heated. Sam took the lead at first, but was blue-shelled by Clint before he even finished his first lap. Peter was consistently in second and third place throughout, but pulled ahead in the fourth lap. Just before he was about to cross the finish line, Clint hit his kart with a red shell, stalling his kart long enough for both him and Sam to cross it.

"Noooooooooooooooo!" Peter said. "Why do I always lose to you?" He asked.

"I'm just that good," Clint said, smirking. Peter harrumphed and settled in for another round.

- - - This is Annie Apple the time skip - - -

Dinner came, and all the Avengers settled in around the table for Steve's spaghetti. They made idle conversation until Natasha stood up.

She had a smirk on her face, so everyone knew that she meant business.

"I hear that Peter here has a field trip coming up!" She said.

"Nice, Pete! Where's it to?" Bucky asked.

"It's to none other than Stark Industries, his house, right here." Nat said, holding up the slip, and everyone burst out laughing.

"Only you, Peter. Only you," Wanda said, chuckling.

Peter snatched it, his face red from embarrassment. "Mom? Can you sign it?" He asked Pepper, and she took it. She passed it back once she had scrawled her loopy signature on it.

"Now that you guys know, can you pleeeeeeeeeease not embarrass me too much?" Peter pleaded, although he already knew what the answer would be.

"No can do, kiddo," Tony said. "And even if I decided not to, which you know I wouldn't be able to, I couldn't stop the rest of them from embarrassing you,"

"Ughhhh," Peter said. The laughter died down and they went back to eating and chatting.

- - - This is Lazy Lemon the time skip - - -

Peter laid in bed, nervous about the field trip. He would obvious get embarrassed, and although he was worried about that, there was Flash.

If the Avengers found out about how Flash had been bullying him, then there'd be hell to pay (sorry, Cap).

And, with just Peter's luck, Loki and Thor were set to return that day. Loki was very protective over Peter, and if he found out about Flash, he'd for sure try to murder him, or at least stab him.

Peter banished the thoughts from his head, noticing how late it was already, and tried to get a good night's sleep - or as much as he could at this point.

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