You Know Russian? | Part One

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Peter was having an awesome day. Note the sarcasm.

Flash had been in a bad mood, and actually got physical with Peter this time. He had punched him on the cheek, leaving a big, purple bruise. Thanks to Peter's superpowers, the punch didn't really hurt, and the bruise was fading fast.

Peter had fallen asleep in math again, and the teacher had called him out and made him leave the room for a minute, utterly embarrassing Peter.

And, in his science class the teacher, Ms. Leslie, handed out a form for the class's "once-a-year surprise location field trip". Ugh. With the school's budget, usually they go to crappy places, like visiting a small art museum year after year after year.

Still, it was practically mandatory, and so Peter had to bring it home to get it signed.

For Peter, home meant Stark Industries. He was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, the power couple of the century, when his aunt died in a car crash. Peter was lucky that it happened at this time versus a couple years ago, because he would have ended up either on the streets, in a foster home or in an orphanage.

Living with them was great; he got to go on patrol and "spiderman" without having to worry about anybody finding out. And, he got to know all of the Avengers personally. Heck, Natasha and Bucky even taught him Russian. It couldn't replace May, but it was the best life he could have.

That's why Peter had kept the fact that Flash was bullying him a secret; the Avengers, not to mention his parents, would go into overprotective protect Peter mode and basically try to murder the bully if they ever found out.

- - - - - Time skip - - - - -

At the end of the day, Peter walked out of the school entrance. He saw the sleek black Jaguar and gasped in surprise.

Only his тетя таша drove the Jaguar; the others preferred either flashier cars or more subtle cars; but Nat was in the middle, just like when the Avengers squabbled.

He slipped in the passenger door of the car and sat down on the smooth leather seat. A frown was still on his face, so Natasha knew something was wrong.

"Hey ребенок паук, what's wrong?" She asked, a concerned look on her face.

"N-nothing," Peter said, inwardly cursing himself for that stupid stutter. She was a spy, and one of the best ones out there; he knew she could see right through him. He just prayed that she wouldn't press the issue any further.

She looked at him, taking a leaf out of Steve's book and using the Eyebrows of Disappointment (TM).

Peter sighed and turned to the window. "It's nothing, мать паук. Just that a teacher embarrassed me in class."

"What?" She said, with fiery eyes. "Can I kill him?"

"No!" Peter said, a look of shock on his face. "It was my fault. I stayed out a little late for patrol last night and didn't get a lot of sleep, so I fell asleep in class."

"And," he said. "I have to get Dad to sign a permission slip for this surprise location field trip."

Natasha looked satisfied with his explanation, although she could tell that he wasn't telling the whole truth. She decided to let it go, though, because she valued her relationship with Peter, and didn't want it ruined because she pushed into an issue that he clearly did not want to talk about.

She pulled up in front of the tower and Peter hopped out, saying a quick goodbye to her.

He stared up at the tower. The sight never really got old.

A/N: So, just in case anybody reading this doesn't know the meaning of the Russian names Peter calls Nat and Nat calls Peter, here are the translations:

мать паук - mother spider
ребенок паук - baby spider тетя таша - aunt Tasha

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