Kidnapped (Kind Of) | Part Two

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Peter walked through, and FRIDAY said, "Stark, Peter. Level Alpha 10 clearance. No weapons unauthorized."

Everyone gaped at him. "Did that say Peter Stark?" Ned said, shocked.

The tour guide noticed and came to Peter's rescue. "It says Stark because Peter is Mr. Stark's personal intern, not because he's a Stark, because he's not." She said, laughing.

Stacy led them to the elevator, and once they had all crowded in, asked FRIDAY to bring them all to level 16, the intern labs.

Peter made sure to stay at the back of the group, and thankfully none of the interns recognized him. Probably because Peter was rarely on this low of a level, and even if he was they all expected Tony Stark's personal intern to be in college.

They visited a couple more labs, the Avengers museum (Tony had to be that extra), and last were making their way back to the elevator.

"Can we go to the Avengers common room?" One of the students asked.

"Sorry, but I don't have clearance for that." Stacy said.

Peter did, though. He ran through a mental list of who was there. Bruce and Tony were, but everyone else was away on missions.

"FRIDAY, bring us to level 99." Peter whispered, and FRIDAY heard. The elevator started moving up, and Stacy was confused, however she couldn't let it show.

"We're taking a slight detour now," she said.

The doors opened to the Avengers common room, and thankfully nobody was in the main lounge area.

Peter's spider sense was warning him that something was really wrong.

"Get back!" He said, and tried to push everyone back into the elevator. Before everyone made it, the wall exploded.

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