Sort Of Sick | Part One

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Peter woke up on Monday to the regular obnoxious beeping of his alarm, seeming louder than usual. Peter sat up groggily and slammed a hand down on the alarm on the nightstand. When Peter had first moved into the tower, he had put the alarm across the gigantic room, thinking that then he wouldn't snooze it and constantly be late.

That reasoning was disproved when he woke up late the next day. The alarm wasn't going off, and Peter didn't realize why until he saw a bunch of webs covering it. Needless to say, the alarm was staying next to him.

Peter got dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a science pun t-shirt before walking into the kitchen to see what was for breakfast. Uncle Steve was cooking pancakes, so that was good. Steve was a pretty good cook, although he wasn't half as good of a baker as Uncle Bucky was.

"Morning, Pete!" Steve said, waving a hand while clutching a ladle.

"G'morning," Peter mumbled out blearily. He hadn't been mistaken earlier; everything did seem louder, with all the colors brighter. In short, a minor sensory overload. That was just great. All he needed was one really loud noise to send him into a full-blown sensory overload, which would keep him home from school.

He went over to the table, sitting down in an open seat next to Tony, his adoptive dad. He had been taken in by the Starks when May had decided to go on a year-long trip around the world. When May had came back, she had seen how well Peter interacted with them, and gave Tony and Pepper the idea of adopting him in the first place. Having an aunt was good, yes, but having a mother and a father was very different.

Tony greeted Peter by ruffling his hair and giving him a quick smile. It was obvious that he hadn't had his second cup of coffee, because he was much more talkative after that, especially after working throughout the night.

When Peter didn't respond immediately, and winced slightly, Tony frowned slightly.

"Hey kid, you okay?" The man said, the concern evident in his tone of voice.

"Yeah, dad, just a small sensory overload." Peter said.

"Alright, I'm calling it. You're staying home today." Tony said, piling a couple pancakes onto Peter's plate.

"But-" Peter started.

"Nope. You know that going to school will just make it worse. All of those teenagers are not quiet, and those horrendous bells are also a huge pain. Even one of those will set you off." Tony said.

"I know, but I'll have to make up a ton of schoolwork, and it's the last day to turn in the permission slip for the surprise location field trip tomorrow." Peter said, pouting.

"Underoos, you already know everything that all of the teachers are trying to teach you, and you can just have Ned send you pictures of the homework. Also, there's no way that you'll be back to normal by tomorrow, so you're just going to have to miss out on the field trip."

"Okay, I guess," Peter said hesitantly. "I wonder where they're going to go."

A/N: We made it to 25K reads!!

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