Another story wow🚨

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I'm just gonna get to it -_-
⚠️mentions of abuse and ptsd depression things and all that Jazz. Don't read unless it doesn't trigger you :) ⚠️ ps I wrote about anger issues, but I don't know about the problem that much so sorry if some of the information is probably incorrect.  I know that not all people with anger issues aren't like this it just fits better with the plot, so apologies in advanced if it offends people ⚠️

Also most likely this chapter won't be smut but I worked hard on it so if you could kindly keep reading anyway that would be great.
I'm gonna give a bit of a character prologue to what this chapter is about. Cause it's a little complicated >~<

Lotor: is a year older than lance, he has some major anger issues and isn't really patient. He also has ptsd from being in an abusive family, Making him a bit abusive.

Keith: is two years older than lance and he skipped a few grades in high school, because of the fact that he didn't have friends to focus on, he just kinda kept to his work instead. Due to this he became really smart.

Lance: is the youngest, he's really sensitive and is flinchy from being hit from his boyfriend all the time.

The only reason I'm not putting actual ages is cause they kinda move around because of how I set the story up. ¯\_()_/¯

"We're over! Get out!"  Lotor yelled at Lance pointing at the door. Lance looked at lotor in complete and utter disbelief. "Let me fucking grab my shit first dumbass" Lance said under his breath.

   "What the hell did you say to me drop out?" Lotor said pushing Lance roughly into the wall "lotor, stop."  Lance said plainly. As a response to lance, Lotor punched him. Making lance sink to the floor holding his nose.

    Lotor punched lance again, while he was on the floor may I add, giving him a black eye. Lance stood up quick, kicked  Lotor in the nuts, ran upstairs into their bedroom and locked the door.

   To Lance, this was just a normal Saturday.

   He was used to this behavior from  Lotor by now. This would be the fifth time this month that Lotor had "broken up with him", although lance thought that he might've actually meant it this time.

   As for lotor punching lance, that was also pretty normal, and that was the lightest he's punched this week so lance was grateful for that.

    If you were to lift up Lances' shirt, or roll up his sleeves you would see cuts and bruises all over him. Most of them were from lotor but some were from himself.

  Lotor was obviously abusive towards lance, but this was only due to anger issues and ptsd from his parents, Lance knew not to take any offense to this, but it still hurt. At this point in their relationship lance was doubtful that lotor even loved him anymore. Because once upon a time he did, believe it or not.

   Lets go back in time a little bit, to explain how all this came to be.

   Lance and lotor had met back in middle school. Back when lance was a little goofball, he had gotten detention for messing around in class, and lotor was in there for getting into a fight with a boy named Keith.

   Lance had walked in and had immediately recognized lotor , and the other teen. Lotor and lance knew each other from a combo class but never really talked. And he recognized Keith because lance hated him. It's a long story but let's just say it had something to do with lance getting jealous over a girl that was supposedly dating Keith, but Keith is a closeted gay boi so it was obviously not true.(Keith was two grades ahead of lance and lotor was only one grade ahead of him) Lotor and Lance had started talking during detention, and realized they had a lot in common. They ended up becoming good friends that day.

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