The flower🌺

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"I think I'm in love with you.."

Keith froze. He didn't know what to do, much less what to say. He never thought lance would ever think of him in that way. This was all so random. Not to mention the kiss.

"Lance... I..." Keith was cut off by the sound of his radio.

"Did you guys find anything??" Pidge asked.

Keith reply's with, "Umm yeah, I think so.."

"Keith, do you love me back? Please say you do.." Lance looked up from Keith's shoulder with a hopeful face.

"Keith what are your coordinates?" Pidge asked through the radio.

"Uh... let me check..." keith paused, " 44 24'46.22," N, 7 76'88.63″ W" he stated into the intercom.

"Keith? Please answer me..." lance asked Keith once more.

Keith looked at lance in the eyes and realized something was off. There was color mixed into them. Pink, gold and blue. He had a light blush on his face as well.

"Lance, I don't think you're your normal self right now. I'm afraid I can't answer that until you snap out of it.." Keith said, backing away from lance a little bit.

"Keith...please..I am myself can't you tell?" The colors in Lances eyes started to marble into a purple color.

"Lance your not yourself right now... I promise." Keith laughed nervously.

"Keith? Please just tell me you love me.. I need to hear it." Lance begged, throwing his arms around Keith's shoulders.

"Is that you guys?" A voice said from behind them.

"PIdge!" Keith's voice cracked, "Oh..I mean uh Pidge.. help?" Keith asked, a little desperate.

He had no idea of what was going on at the moment. He didn't know what was going on with lance, and why it was happening.

Pidge had gotten distracted by the huge field of flowers in front of them.

"Oh woah! Look at all of the flowers! We'll have enough for years!" Their eyes gleamed with joy.

"Hey! Stop geeking out for a sec and fucking help me." Keith was practically begging at this point. He was getting flustered from lance asking him whether or not he loves him or not.

"Oh what's going on over here??" Pidge pushed up their glasses giving the two a sly look.

"Just help." Keith was now backed into a tree, with lance basically throwing himself onto the him.

"Alright alright... come on lover boy." Pidge attempted to pry lance off of Keith.

"No!" Lance yelled and hugged onto Keith tighter.

"Ok! Geez." Pidge had rose their hands up in defense. "Looks like he's sticking with ya." Pidge had started to type up on their intercom device.

"What are you doing?" Keith asked, trying to push lance off of him.

"I'm calling everyone over here, I'm not gonna walk back with you too being all mushy." They stuck out their tongue making a "euk" sound.

~back at the castle cause I'm to lazy to write~
Keef pov

So I have a dilemma right now.

I had up giving lance a piggyback ride as we walked to the castle, and lance refused to get off when we arrived. And Now he's asleep on my back. On one hand, I don't want to wake him up because this is probably the most peace I'll have until we figure out what the hell is going on with this him. But on the other hand, I have to piss.

"SHIT! SHITsHitShitshIt!" I heard Pidges voice yell before hearing a big loud boom.

"WHAT THAT WORKED?!" Their voice yelled again.

Then Pidge ran towards where I was awkwardly standing.

"Ok! So I think I found out what's wrong with lance! So the herb, or the flower that I made you guys look for had a pollen that trucks the brain into telling the truth. For a certain amount of time. But there was another flower that was on that planet. But at the time I didn't know what that one did.

But after I did some testing on it, hence the smoke on my face, I found out that the flower had the same effect but it correlated with feelings. True feelings.

So basically when lance smelled one of the flowers, the pollen made it's way into the nose and into the brain somehow? And now he's showing his true feelings towards you." Pidge said, almost out of breath.

"So.. lance loves me?" I asked, smiling a bit. Never thought this would happen.

"Well technically yes. But since lance is to fucking dense he probably hasn't realized it yet. So don't get you hopes up." They pushed their glasses up sighing.

"Makes sense. So when does this whole thing pollen thing end?" I asked them. I mean I don't mind all the attention from lance but it's gonna get old fast.

"Dunno. Haven't figured it out yet. But I'll tell you when I do. Now back to my testing." They said as they ran back to their room.

"Great..." I sigh. What the hell am I gonna do with him until we figure out how to reverse this hole thing?

I feel something on my neck. Something soft. It tickles. It's lance.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Kissing your neck.." Lance says in a sleepy voice. "I want to kiss you though.."

"You are kissing me. Can you stop now?" I need to fucking pee. An him tickling my neck with kisses isn't helping. It's cute and all but still not helping.

"Lance can I put you down for a sec? I need to take a leak." Lance puts his face in my neck and  hums.

"Can you drop me in your room then?" He asks.

"Uh yeah just don't touch anything please." This is a mistake isn't it. I'm going to regret this later.

I walk lance over to my room, him still being on my back of course.

"Ok, get off." I don't mean to come off as an asshole but it kinda just comes off like that naturally.

Lance shimmies his way off my back and onto the ground. I stand up straight and look down at him.

He looks at me and smiles. Then gives me a peck on the cheek and walks into my room.

This is going to be such a long week.

I'm about to shoot myself. I'm sorry about the inconsistent uploading schedule. I don't have an excuse. I'm just a lazy mother fucker with adhd. Someone asked for the story so here it is. I'm for sure gonna do the questions but as for the face reveal I don't know. I'm scared someone will notice me. So I'll think about it. Anygay

Peace ✌️

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