Ur gay? 💀

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It's silent, as I walk through the schools hallway. I look down at the small envelope in my hand, regretting my idea already. If I do this there's no going back, that's for sure
I stop at his locker, standing there, staring at the small opening at the top. My knees go weak and my anxiety kicks in.

I feel my heart get faster. 'This is a big mistake. What if he thinks I'm weird. He's most likely not going like some weird geek like me. What's the point of this.' I think to myself.

My head sinks down as I think of all the names he would call me. He'd probably get all his friends to bully me. I'd have to move schools again.

Maybe I shouldn't do this. It's not worth it. I turn around and start to walk away.

'No! I need to do this! I'll never know what opportunities I would have missed if I didn't do this one thing.'

Determined, I march over to Keith's locker and slip the note in.

Shit. No, I didn't mean it, never mind! Give it back! I don't want to do this anymore! My breathing gets faster.


Students  fill the once silent hallway. I'm so dead. I'm so dead. I can't take this back. I have to do it now. God I hate this. Why did I do this.

I see him walking to his locker. Thank god he's by himself. He has his headphones in. Probably listening to that one band I heard him talking about in science.

I need to go before he sees me here.
Keith's pov
I hate class so fuckin much. Especially social studies. It's always the same shit with this teacher.
He starts talking about the lesson, and then he gets sidetracked and starts talking about his divorce. It's annoying.

"And then she left me. Took the heccin kids too..." he says.

"Yo, that's a cool story my dude... but I don't remember asking." I say from the back of the class.


Saved by the bell. I get up as fast as I can, and run out the door. I can't wait to get home. A new show on Netflix was released today and I've been aching to watch it.

I've also been itching to smoke the whole day.

I grab my phone and scroll through my music to try and find the one I want. I'm not sure what the hell I want to listen to right now.

Oh! Duh, I'll just listen to Mcr. Can never go wrong with Mcr. Speaking of Mcr, I need to grab some money from my locker to pay Shiro back. He gave me on of those old records for my record player at home, and it has one of their albums on it.

As I get closer, I see a tan boy speed walking away. Normally I wouldn't care. I mean it's Friday, and school is over, but the thing is, he was speed walking away from what seemed to be my locker.

I spin the little spinny thing so that I can unlock my locker, and a little white envelope falls out.

I put my backpack down and bend down to pick it up. Damn I hope it's not a detention card. I open it up and it had a pink paper folded up inside.

I unfold the paper an my last brain cell tried to killed itself.

💕𝑀𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝓂𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝒽𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝓁𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁?💕

I fucking hate cursive. My brain shuts down when I try to read it.

I see some of my friends walking down the hallway, and decide to ask for help.

"Hey! Matt, c'mere for a sec." I ask.

He kisses his girlfriend on the cheek and walks over to me.

"Wassup bitch." He asks as we do our hand shake.

"So, you know I only have like half a brain cell when school ends right?" I tell him.


"Alright, due to my brain cell loss, can you help me read this?"

"Your a fuckin dumbass. Your almost a senior in high school, why can't you read cursive." Matt asks me, taking the pink note out of my hand.

I just shrug.

"'Meet me behind the bleachers after school.' Oooo you got a girlfriend? " Matt mocks, poking me in the shoulder.

"Fuck off. No I don't. Probably some freshman girl tryna get laid again." I laugh.

"Yeah your probably right." Matt replies.

"Babe! Cmon, I have to get ready for tonight! You know how long it takes for me to do my makeup."

Matt's head turns to his girlfriend, "I'm coming! Hey man you wanna roll with me and Ava? We're going to Olive Garden later, I think a few of the guys and their girlfriends are coming as well."

"Eh I don't know, I'll think about it. I do know that I need a smoke right now, so imma go turn down this freshman and light a cigarette."  I tell him, grabbing my wallet out of my locker.

"Bro, so more cigarettes. Here," Matt reaches in his backpack and grabs a juul. "take this dude."

"Those aren't any better." I say taking the Juul out of his hand.

"it's better than getting fuckin lung cancer. And plus, it's grape." He smiles.

"Your a dumbass." I laugh. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a very impatient looking Ava.

"You better go man." I tell Matt.

"Your right," he says looking back at Ava. "hey good luck with the freshman." He tells me, walking backwards over to his girlfriend.

"Thanks, I'll need it.." I roll my eyes, before turning back to lock my locker.

I pick my backpack up and put it on. I walk down the hallway. Seeing a few girls, whispering to each other giggling and blushing.

This is what I get for being the so called ' bad boy ' of the school. I don't know why girls find it so attractive. All I wear to school are band t's with my leather jacket on top. My black ripped jeans, with my boots. Maybe it's cause I put my hair up in a ponytail sometimes. Or because I smoke? Ah! It's probably my motorcycle. Or the piercings?

Well it doesn't matter in the end cause I'm gay. Nobody knows that yet but still.

Walk out into the football field over to the bleachers. Nobody's there. Maybe it's just a prank or something. One of the guys probably put the note in my locker.

I'll be polite and stick around for a second. I like turning girls down, so I guess it's worth the wait.

I take the juul Matt gave me out of my pocket and stare at it for a second. I see a lot of kid doing this type of stuff. I mostly hear a lot about vaping though. What's the difference between the two.

I take a hit, and I'll be damned. It actually tastes like grape. I lean against the pole under the bleacher and pull out my headphones again. Damn I might just vibe here for a minute. Hopefully this chick doesn't take long.
Damn I haven't wrote in a while lol  welp

Peace ✌️

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