I dont have time for titles pt 2🗡

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I need to make titles... and which one of you fuckers reported my content. Bout to beat a bitch up. Just kidding.... not really anyway um here's my story? I think imma call it... actually give me something to call it I wanna hear your suggestions..


"U-um sure." Lance said. "Brilliant! Follow me lance." Keith said walking off a bit. Lance started to walk normally and then quickly remembered he screwed up his leg while trying to escape. Causing him to fall. Keith turned around just in time to catch the younger boy. "Woah! I Gotcha bud. Here let me help you." Keith said while picking lance up bridal style. Lance instantly started blushing. He hid his head in the crook of Keith's neck, so the prince wouldn't be able to see how red his face was.

That caused Keith to start blushing. "Father I'm going to take this boy. We are going to my room." Keith said walking out of the throne room.

Lance had his head in the crook of Keith's neck hoping that this new person wouldn't hurt him like the guards did. This prince seemed like a nice person but he wasn't really sure if he could trust him yet.

"Hey lance we're here" Keith said opening his door.
Lance looked up, he was astonished. The prince's room looked to be about the size of half of lances village. Keith's bed looked like his bed and his parents bed were put together to make a wayyy bigger one.

Keith walked over and set lance on his bed covered with pillows galore and sheets that felt like silk. Lance could fall asleep in an instant.

"Lance would you like to try on my clothes? No offense but yours look a little um worn out" Keith said laughing a bit.

Lance looked up," um sure! But will I get in trouble with the guards? They scare me." Lance said looking at Keith with a tint of fear.

"I won't let them hurt you lance! We're friends after all right?" Keith said looking at lance with a sweet smile.

"Friend? Why do you want to be friends with me? I'm just a commoner." Lance said looking down.

"Well although I don't know you well, you seem like a really nice boy. Also I've never really had a friend before. Since I'm always stuck in the castle with these fake ass people- ah sorry for my language." Keith said looking at lance. Lance was giggling a bit. His smile had just brightened up the room, and Keith's day.

"It's ok, and I'm glad you want to be my friend." Lance said looking at Keith with a innocent smile.

Keith blushes," you should do that more often"

Lance looked confused, "do what"

"Smile! Your real cute when you smile" Keith said walking and siting next to lance.

Lance was blushing now. "O-oh thanks!"

"Oh yeah," Keith said getting right back up. " I forgot, you wanted to try on my clothes, here let me grab an outfit." Keith said going to his closet.

"What is that?" Lance said pouting to the door Keith was opening.

"What this? It's a closet." Keith said looking back.

"Wow. That looks like a whole other room!" Lance said, laying down.

"Your bed is so comfy," Lance yawned." I think I might fall asleep." He said quietly curling up into a small ball and fell asleep. His hood came off his head a bit and his ears popped out, twitching a bit as he fell asleep.

"Alright Lane I've got an outfi- lance?" Keith said walking out of his walk in closet.

"Awe" Keith said to himself.

'He's so cute when he's sleeping. Wait what is that on his head.' Keith thinks to himself. He walks closer to see the small boy. 'Ears? Like cat ears.... are they fake?' He thinks again.

The raven haired boy leans over and touches Lances ears.

"Mmm, don't touch my ears please there really sensitive." Lance says turning over to face Keith.

"O-oh yeah sorry." Keith says backing up.

"Wait- oh crap my ears are out?" Lance says springing up. He put his ears down and put his hood back up.

"You can't tell anyone about these ok?" Lance says looking at Keith in a panic.

"Ok I won't. I promise" Keith smiles.


"Umm I have the clothes," Keith says picking them up off the bed.

"Oh yeah," Lance says getting up. "Ouch- I forgot about that."

"How about you just go back to sleep and you can try on the clothes in the morning?" Keith says helping lance back into the bed.

" sounds like a plan," Lance said throwing up finger guns. " ew I hated that." Lance continues.

"I thought it was cute. Just like you!" Keith throws up finger guns mimicking lance.

"Wow ok" lance giggles.

"Alright go to sleep, seriously" Keith laughs.

"Ok, night Keith." Lance says curling back up into a little ball.

"Night lance."


Don't kill me, I know it wasn't smut but it'll get there :) um I have like 5 stories that I'm working on right now, so get ready for those. And also do you think I should make some bnha stories? I think I should. Tell me what you think. Any way peace out fuckers

Baiiiii ✌️💞

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