Another story wow- prt 2 ;)🚨

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This is for the lovely reader who requested I wrote more.. tbh I totally forgot I wrote it. I'll give you a quick refresh of what happened.  Or better yet you could read it again- :)

But there is one thing, the majority of that story was a flash back onto how lance and Keith became friends. I've edited the first part of the story so that it'll make a little more sense? But just ask me questions and I'll be sure to get back to you.
See you at the end! Peace


(I copy and pasted some of this shit so it'll make sense)
"We're over! Get out!"  Lotor yelled at Lance pointing at the door. Lance looked at lotor in complete and utter disbelief. "Let me fucking grab my shit first dumbass" Lance said under his breath.

   "What the hell did you say to me drop out?" Lotor said pushing Lance roughly into the wall "lotor, stop."  Lance said plainly. As a response to lance, Lotor punched him. Making lance sink to the floor holding his nose.

    Lotor punched lance again, while he was on the floor may I add, giving him a black eye. Lance stood up quick, kicked  Lotor in the nuts, ran upstairs into their bedroom and locked the door.

"You fucking brat get back down here!" Lotor screamed running up the stairs.

Lance had moved the bed in front of the door so that lotor wouldn't be able to get in. He was currently throwing his clothes into a suitcase.

"Even if you do leave me, nobody's gonna want your worthless ass anyway. Their gonna look at you and be repulsed. I've marked you up so good they won't even think about taking your broken ass in." Lotor says, yelling through the door. He even chuckles at the end.

Lance starts to tear up. He knows lotor is right. But he's still gonna leave anyway .That's final. He's had it with lotor a shit. He's tired of being treated as if he doesn't have feelings. As if he doesn't care about what lotor says to him. Or what lotor does to him. He's fed up.

Lance grabs his phone and keys out of the drawer then makes his way over to lotor s side of the room and grabs lotors credit card.
By now he was full on sobbing.

"Cryings not gonna fix anything lance! Crying won't fix the fact that I've broken you. Crying won't fix the fact that nobody's ever gonna love you. Might as well just stay here, and cry it up while I beat the shit out of you!" He hears lotor yell.

Lance grabs his suitcase and climbs out of the window. He takes a deep breath and jumps off landing in a bush. He then runs to his car and turns it on as quick as possible. He backs out of the drive way and sees lotor running out of the house with a knife.

Lance backs out faster and speeds off into the street. He turns on the radio and bawls his eyes out.

'Where am I gonna go? I don't have anyone to live with. I feel like if I go to someone's house lotor is gonna find and kill me. I don't know what to do.. there's nothing I can do.. lotors right.. I won't even be able to find someone to move in with. There just gonna kick me out to the curb because of how broken I am. I might as well just run my car off the bridge. I'm not needed here. Nobody's gonna care. Lotor cut off my contact with my family, they probably think I'm dead anyway might as well just make it true.'
Lance thinks as he speeds down the highway, letting hot steamy tears run down his face.

All of the sudden he sees flashing lights behind him.

'Just my fucking luck.' He thinks to himself as he starts to slow down. Once he's come into a full stop he wipes off his tears and rolls his window down.

"Look, I'm sorry officer, I'm just having a rough night.. I'll slow down next ti-" Lance says before he was cut off.

"Lance? Hey buddy is everything alright? Your eye looks busted."

Lance was so glad to see a friendly face right now. Keith had always come to the rescue whether it was intentional or not.

"Can you step out of the car real quick? I think I have a first aid kit in the car." Keith tells lance, as he helps the smaller out of the car.

When lance gets out he gives Keith a big hug.
"C-can I stay at your place tonight please? I ran away, and I'm scared to go back..." lance whimpers as he sobs into Keith uniform.

"Of course lance... um are you ok to drive? " Keith says wiping Lances tears off of his face.

"I think.." lance says softly.

"Alright, just follow my car, my house isn't far from here, so you should be fine." Keith tells lance before leading him back to his car.

"Ok.. thanks Keith." Lance says softly as he walks Into his car and starts it again.

I'm so lucky to have him. Lance thinks as he starts to follow Keith's police car down the highway.
God damn. Alrighty so I'll try to update this one more but here it is for now. This might be a long story. Lol um I don't know what else to say so..
Peace ✌️

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