Chapter 54 Zamari- Mar 2, 2019

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My leg jumps up and down and my gaze strays from one building to another. Luis told me to meet him here, on the edge of a darkened park. I find I continually have to remind myself that I have no reason to feel guilty, I haven't done anything wrong. Not yet.

I turn in a circle again, and check my phone, growing impatient. I resolve to myself that he has ten minutes before I call him, and if he doesn't answer I'll leave altogether. I drop onto a nearby bench with a sigh.

This park should be peaceful, even after dark, with the swaying branches of a nearby tree, quiet chirping of birds, the flow of water in a fountain. But the burden of what I know is coming makes everything feel eery. The shadows seem to elongate and swallow the sidewalk, making me all the more anxious to get out of here.

Finally, I see the outline of Luis as he approaches from the parking lot. He whistles, and laughs when I visibly bristle.

"Come on, we got shit to do." He calls, flipping his car keys around his fingers casually.

I bite my tongue to keep from saying something that would likely get me run over, and ignore his remarks as we approach his car. He runs over the plan again, but it's all I've been able to think about for days, it's not like I really need to try and remember the details, they're ingrained in my head.

The further we drive, I see Luis' grip on the wheel tighten, his mood growing more and grimmer. The weight in my stomach grows, feeling like it may physically drag me down. I check behind us a few times to make sure nobody is suspicious, and there aren't any cops visible.

Luis pulls over in front of a darkened storefront. Two guys in dark hoodies lean on the hood of the car in front of us, the cherry red of a cigarette or a blunt glows in the darkness.

"Remember you're just a watchdog." Luis reminds me as he turns off the engine and the two guys stand straight, obviously waiting for us. "Keep an eye out for cops and call if something is wrong. And don't look too suspicious while doing it."

"Got it," I say under my breath, saying a silent apology to mom. I can see her disappointed expression in my mind and I brace myself as I leave the car.

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