chapter 49

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Hayden's POV

Being home has a way of making me feel closer to my dad, despite the fact that he died in New Jersey, this is where I feel closer to him. Even though both my parents were pretty busy with their careers while I was growing up, they never made my sister and I feel abandoned.

They were home for every important holiday, birthdays and big games at school. I remember at one point mum flew from UK because she didn't want to miss my thirteenth birthday party, it's an understatement to say how much her PR manager and agent were angry with her.

When they were planning her book tour, it was supposed to end two days before my birthday, but her PR manager got wind of mum's popularity in Wales and decided to extend her stay. From what I have heard, mum booked her flight and told that manager to go either postpone the book signing or make miracles happen.

I woke up on Sunday morning to see my mum whom I thought wouldn't make it and she made sure that I got my theme birthday party.

"What's got you such in deep thoughts?" My sister Elizabeth asks sneaking up on me.

'Don't do that.' I tell her scowling.

"Now where's the fun in that? Tell me what's up?" She questions already joining me on the balcony.

'I'm just thinking about dad and mum, wondering if I will be half a good parent they both were to us.' I decide to be honest with her.

Beth and I have always been close, our parents raised us with the knowledge that we only have each other. They both grew up in close knit families, so they raised us with the same values. To look out for each other, even now when I don't see Elizabeth as much due to my work and her being busy trying to find her ground in marriage and motherhood, we still make sure to video call at least once a month.

"Why are you thinking about fatherhood? Don't tell me you impregnated Amelia!" She whisper yells and I'm not sure why because mum is not outside playing with Jayden, my nephew.

When Victoria told me the police found the person responsible for Lily's death, she wanted to come home right away, but I convinced to wait just a bit so I could come with her. We then decided to also tell our parents about the pregnancy, so imagine my joy when I found out that my sister and nephew are in town.

'What? Oh, I see what you did there.' I almost choked when Liz said Amelia, for a moment I had forgotten that my girl's second name is Amelia.

"So? Does mum know?" My sister asks me sounding so excited you would think this is her child and not mine.

'That's actually the reason we are in Orlando, we are telling her tomorrow.' I tell her texting my girl.

I haven't heard from her since she said she was at Lily's house three hours ago. I don't know if I'm crazy, but all I want these days is to be close to her, and not only because's pregnant. Since she told me she loves me, it's as though she's my oxygen, she's all I think about. For the past two weeks we have been spending a lot of time together, most nights she sleeps at my place or it's me sleeping at hers.

Even at night when we are sleeping, I seel her out when I don't feel her next to me. At one point Jamie told me I am pussy whipped when I cancelled our monthly guy's night out. I didn't even deny it, because guess what Victoria Amelia Thompson is my drug and I love being high.

"Should I be worried Alexander?" My sister brings me out of my thoughts yet again.

'Wh-sorry, what did you say?' I ask Liz and she shakes her head and walks away.


It's six in the evening when I get a text message from Victoria telling me she's on her way to my house, we had agreed that I will pick her up, but I guess this will save me the drive. I'm up in the kitchen with mum and Liz cooking dinner, this is one of the things that we used to do with dad.

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