chapter 34

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I have spent the entire week cooped up at work, keeping busy so I don't think much about Hayden. I sent him a text Monday evening apologizing, only to find that he had just texted me to apologize too, they say great minds think alike so it must be true.

We didn't talk about why we argued in the first place, I wasn't ready to talk about it and thought it's a conversation worth having in person and not on the phone. We have been texting and video calling all week, I think this time apart, without meeting is the space we need before we hash out what was said the other day.

Hade left me a message earlier today to ask if he can come over tonight, I was not sure if last week's conversation will come up, but then figured it's best to get over and done with it. I had no excuse to come up with seeing as it's Friday and we are both free later on.

"Hey Vicky, please tell me you are joining us for drinks later" Maya says from behind me at work later that day.

Maya and Pete have been talking about this cocktail bar they want us to go to from Monday morning, I'm not an outgoing person, but once in a while I go out with the interns and Maya to blow some steam. The first time they invited me to join them I was hesitating, but Maya ended up convincing me. They are actually good people, Maya and I hit it off since I started and have been spending our lunch hour together, sometimes the other interns join us.

'Nope, not tonight.' I answer her and continue typing a report Dr Pepper wants before I go home for the day.

"Why not?" She says in a whinny voice. "You can invite Monica if you want."

Maya knows that I hardly go out with them because of Marlene, I don't know why, but she seems not to like me or something.

'Hayden is coming over tonight straight from work.' I stop typing and sigh.

"Alright, so you are feeding me to the dogs?"

'Stop being dramatic Maya, Pete and Marlene like you. Which is not something we can say when it comes to me." I say with a scoff.

"Pete invited Christine and Charlie from second floor" she says flopping down on her desk.

'Then it's a good thing I have plans, Christine is so intimidating. What I don't get is why you have a problem going for drinks with them?'

Christine is the assistant we first came across when we first arrived here at Grey Mental Health Clinic. She is same age as Maya, twenty three and have worked here for the same time length.

"Charlie and I used to date and things didn't work out, we don't talk much and Christine is Christine." She says shaking her head.

'I am sorry about you and Charlie.'

"It's been a year, so it's alright. Let me go freshen up then head out"

'Byee, have fun.'

"Yeah, yeah" she says walking off.


The first thing I do when I get home is go straight to the bathroom to shower. This is my everyday routine, when I arrive home I shower then prepare something to eat for supper and rest for a while before I can prepare my outfit for the next day. Sometimes I go to Mo's place when she doesn't have plans with Jamie or her roommate.

I jump in the shower and instead of warm water, out comes cold water making me shiver and get out of the shower. I take a towel to wipe off the cold water I'm drenched in, I take my fluffy gown to warm myself and to stop shivering. I blust the shower tap hoping the water will be warm this time, but to my horror it's time freezing cold.

I go back to my room to phone the building manager, I just hope he hasn't gone home for the weekend. I love this building and all, but I sometimes wish the maintenance people lived in the building making them available everyday. I know it's not fair that o expect them to always working.

The manager answers my call and confirms what I thought, the maintenance people have gone home already. She asks me to call her again tomorrow morning if the problem still persists so that she can call them to come help me out, I drop the call after wishing her a goodnight.

As I am thinking of a plan to help me with my current situation, Hayden text me to say he is at my door. I look at myself in my full length mirror and not sure about opening the door looking like this, but this will have to do, he is already here. I go downstairs to open the front door.

'Hey, please come in' I say opening the door wider.

"Hello love, I tried knocking, even thought maybe you weren't home" he says kissing my cheek.

'I was on a phone call with the building manager, and probably lost in my thoughts' I close the door behind me.

"Building manage?, Is something wrong?" He asks knitting his eyebrows.

'No, I don't have hot water so I wanted maintenance people to come help with that, but they left 30 minutes or so ago'

"Let me see if I can help you" he says coming closer and gives me a hug.

'I missed you'

"I missed you"

We say in unison, then laugh. We stay like this for about a minute, with me happy to be in his arms again and him taking in my scent before pulling away.

'Don't do that, I'm dirty and all sweaty' I poke his chest.

"You smell devine love" He gives me a dimpled smile making my heart swell.

I wasn't aware how much I missed seeing his smile until now, it's only been a week since I last saw him, but it feels like forever.

'I didn't cook, is pizza okay for today?' I ask him after taking my time looking at his well built body in a suit and his hair all over the place, a clear sign that he has been pulling at it.

"Pizza is perfect, order it while I go see what's the problem with your shower. Did you try the bathtub?" He says on his way.

'Even my sink doesn't have hot water'

As Hayden does whatever he is trying to get my hot water back on, I take my phone to place an order only to come short. I left my phone on my night stand. I walk upstairs and just as I reach for my phone there is an incoming call from Noah.

"Hey pumpkin, I'm on my way to your place"

'What do you mean you are on your way?"

"I thought we could order pizza and watch a movie, just the two of us"

I do want pizza and a movie, but with Hayden not Noah.

'Why didn't you call?' I almost yell at him and I see Hayden coming out of my bathroom.

"What am I doing now? Just come open the door"  he says ending the call.

"Who has you looking so mad love?" Hade questions.

'My brother is at the door.'

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Noah gets to meet pumpkin's boyfriend 😅😈 How do you think this will go?


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