3- Grateful

208 31 42

"Love is something sent from Heaven to worry the Hell out of you." ~ Dolly Parton


I wake up feeling captivated about the night I had. The moment Ethan and I shared lingers throughout my body, sending sweet chills in all the right places. I never thought that Ethan could be so nice. He has always been mean and savage towards everyone, but last night he was kind and caring. I guess somewhere deep inside he still has a thread of dignity. Feeling happy, I rise from my comfortable bed and put more vibe in doing my daily routine. After taking my shower, I quickly dress myself and neatly pull my hair up in a ponytail. To pull off my look, I grab my Victoria Secret bag and slip my slim feet into my red and white converse.

I make my way downstairs to suit the rumbling sound that my belly constantly makes.

"You look happy this morning" My mom says out of the blue. "Anything new?" She adds and gives me a three second grin. I'm surprise that she noticed the change in my mood. She's been totally MIA lately.

"No. Just the same old." I respond, taking a bite from my chocolate cookie.

"I'm heading to school now. Later mom." I say and make my way towards the door.

"I will be home late tonight. Don't wait up." She says as I'm about to go through the door. This is nothing new. This has been the norm since my dad died. My mom is hardly at home in the mornings when I wake up and in the nights when I'm going to sleep.

I give her a simple nod and make my way outside. The ride to school feels longer than normal. Maybe it's because I'm eager to get to school so I can see his gorgeous face again. I've never noticed how perfectly made he his until last night. His round face blends in nicely with his big blue eyes. His straight nose sits above his thin, red lips and his brown hair compliments his tan skin. The sight of the gigantic school buildings brings my reminiscing to an end.

After pulling up in the school's drive way, I find a spot to park.

"Lizzie, where were you last night?" Emily questions as I step out of my car. I hear deep concern laced in her tone.

"U-hm. I went to find a quiet place to escape the loud music. You and Jake seemed to be enjoying yourselves so I just went home." I explain as we make our way to our lockers.

I thought about telling her how my night ended with Ethan because we have a 'no secret policy,' but I feel like keeping this one to myself until I see how things go from here.

Walking down the hall, I see Ethan coming towards my direction in the hallway. My heart immediately starts to race and increases by the second as we take closer steps towards each other. I glance at him with a blushing face, and he doesn't look back. He just walks past me like he doesn't know I exist, like he doesn't know me.

Ouch! That hurts.

The bell rings signifying that it is time for class. I look at my timetable and see that I have Literature.

"Great. I have Literature."  Emily sighs. She has hated Literature for as long as I can remember. I am the opposite. I love Literature. Everything that relates to books are my pride and joy.

"You have Literature? I have Literature too!" I squeal excitedly and she puts on a frown, dreading that she has to endure two periods of Litreature. We make our way down the hall and sit next to each other when we arrive in class.

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