22- Change

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"Love is deaf. You can't just tell someone you love them, you have to show it." ~ Unknown


After a few minutes of catching my breath, I slowly turn the door nob and slip my body through. Ethan focuses his gaze on me when he sees me approaching, examining my every move as I make my way towards the couch.

"So I'm here." I whisper taking a seat next to him.

He runs his hand through his hair."We need to talk." He says while fidgeting with his fingers. "I want you back Liz."

"Ethan, I-I...."

"Let me finish." He interrupts cutting me off. "I fell in love with you Elizabeth without knowing how to love or how to be in love. Love to me is foreign, I am use to being a jock and breaking hearts, its what I do. Now I have your heart as my own, it is very fragile to me and I don't know what to do with it. The decision that I made to break up with you was the hardest in my life, but it was meant to protect you. Everyone that I have been with tells me that my heart is cold, that I am heartless. I believed them until now. Being with you makes me realize that I am not heartless, my heart beats for you Elizabeth. I love you."

"I'm selfish." Was all I could say, he looks at me as if he needs clarity. "I never thought about what it must have been like for you. I only thought about myself." I add while lowering my head.

"Come here." He says opening his arms, I form myself in a ball and he embraces me in a hug, making me lie on his chest. He begins to run his hand through my long blonde hair making me less tense.

"I...." He begins, unsure of how to properly weave the complexity of his feelings, halt only by the soft press of his finger and the sweet whisper of his voice.

"I know." I respond staring in his eyes, realizing that the red shade is gone and replaced with its original ocean blue shade.

"I want to meet your mom." Ethan mutters in between a whisper and not talking at all.

"What?" I ask seeking confirmation about whether or not I am hearing correctly.

"I want to meet your mother Liz." He says loud and bold this time around.

I ease my body up, now looking in his eyes.

"Why?" I ask dragging on the word. "I mean I would love to, but we just started dating. Don't you think it's too soon?"

"Because..." He says lowering his head and I maintain my glare on him, eager to hear his reason. "I want to be with you forever."

My cheeks redden at the sound of his words. "Forever is a really long time Ethan."

"Forever flys by fast when you are with the one that you love." Ethan responds staring me in the eyes and I look away to hide my blush.

"Quiet the optimist." I say with a sly smirk.

He chuckles. "Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you." Ethan says, his voice smooth and calm.

"Mary Lou Retton." I say, realizing he just quoted a philosopher.

The rest of the night is spent watching movies together and laughing at hilarious jokes. For the first in as many nights that I can remember I don't feel lonely. We had small talks as we lie in bed, before falling asleep at eleven fifty three pm.

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