15- TGIF {Thank God it's Friday}

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"Love always brings difficulties, that is true, but the good side of it is that it gives energy." ~ Vincent Van Gogh.


Ethan's POV

Elizabeth: Can you come over? I'm ready to tell you what you need to hear.

As I stare at the message that pop on my phone screen, the feeling of regret and shame completely wash me. Instead of dealing with the situation like a man, I acted like a complete child.

Me: I'll be there in 30 mins. I reply.

I drive slowly to her house while I thought about whether or not I should see her tonight. The atmosphere around is dead; the trees no longer dance to the strength of the wind, the cars creep on the almost dark road and the stars are no where in sight. The dull feeling of the atmosphere make me feel even worse. More than anything I want to hear her say those three words, but not like this. I'm a complete mess. My hair is messy and not to mention, I now smell like the strong stench of after sex. Luckily for me, I always have perfume in my car. I spray myself before hopping out of my car as I'm now at her home. You can do this! I reassure myself as I take small steps towards her front porch. I then tap once on the door bell. There she is, my little angel.


"Is that perfume I smell?" I ask him due to the sweet odor that arises from him.

"......it's nothing." he respond stepping inside. He make his way to the sofa and took a seat. I'm really not sure how I'm suppose to admit to him that I love him, but I'm certain that tonight will definitely be the night. Running away from your feelings never pans out well. It's best to admit it, then face it head on.

"You have something to say to me, say it." He says, sounding eager, mean and impatient. At this moment I felt discouraged. He said his statement as if I'm just another girl who fell for him.

"They are not exactly the easiest words to say." I respond snapping back at him.

"Why am I even here?" He says, standing from where he sat and I did the same. "I'm leaving." He adds, now making his way to the door.

"Ethan, wait...." I yell holding his hand. "Don't go" I know I sound desperate, but I don't care. I need him here with me tonight and I'll be dammed if I make him leave.

"Okay." He responds in a whisper. Our hands are now locked together, and so I led him back to the sofa where we sat.

"When I first saw you I never imagine us here today." I say, making him focus his attention on me.

"......you were everything that I despised in a man. You were mean, selfish, a bully. You cared about nobody but yourself. You kept on antagonizing people like me making their high school years a living hell and the worst part, you got pleasure from other persons pain. You and your friends made this invisible hierarchy where you all are at the top and the rest of the school are at the bottom. You treat us as if we are slaves and we should follow your every command."

"If you think of me so lowly, then why am I here." He says and I scoot over closer to him.

"That's the thing.....Ethan, the times spent with you made me realize that you are capable of caring. You actually have a heart. I've been told by my friends that I should stay away from you, but it seems like the more I'm told to not pursue something is the more that I want it. I want you....you were nothing that I expected my first love to be. You came to me blindly...no warnings, you just crept up on me silently. The more walls I put up, the more you break them down. I fell for you without even trying. You are the most imperfect person that I know, but I've accepted your flaws; I find beauty in all your imperfections. I feel like I can talk to you about any and everything and I constantly thank the universe for your existence. All in all, I love you Ethan. I love you so much that it hurts..." I say placing my hand on his cheek.

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