25- Friday

78 6 9

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." ~ Jimi Hendrix.  


A yawn escapes my lips as I turn to and fro in bed not wanting to get up. I yank my pillow over my head to block out the bright light beaming through the thin, white curtains from the morning's sun reflection. After letting out few groans, I crawl slowly out of bed, still half-sleep. Looking in the mirror, I cringe at my morning look. When I wake in the mornings I'm the most unattractive human being. My face is swollen and lined with sleeping marks, my hair is shooting shots all over the place and my overall appearance looks like a lizard.

Another yawn escapes my lips as I continue to prepare for school. I rid my body of its clothes and walk to the bathroom to take my shower. I swear, this is why I can't wait to have my own house. My mom used to think that it's because I can't wait to have a boyfriend, but I want to be able to walk around freely in little or no clothes without having to worry about who's gonna see me.

After taking my shower, I put on a normal demin pants and an off the shoulder smocked eyelet lace bell sleeve top along with my white converse. Pulling my blonde hair in a messy high bun, I examine my reflection in the mirror. Yup, I'm not all that pretty, but it's safe to say that I'm not ugly either and have curves in all the right places. I then grab my bag and make my way to the kitchen where I eat my toast with scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice. I rebrush my teeth and head to my car.

I hold my head down and sauntered through the entrance with a downcast face. My heart pounds every time I see someone with slim body type and brown hair, thinking that it is Emily. I don't know what to do when I see her again. Should I avoid her? Talk to her? Apologize? I never thought that I'd lose my best friend, but here I am, best-friendless. Walking through the hall, I earn many lustful stares from the school's jocks and even more deadly glares from the wanna be barbies. I hoped that my life would get back to normal by now, but who am I kidding? I'm so not gonna survive this; not without Emily.

After throwing some textbooks and other stuff in my locker, I head to my first class, which by the way, Emily is a part of.

Now I'm seated at the back of Mr. Lawrence's class. I arrive at school a bit early to avoid the many glares by the students in the crowded hallway or to avoid running into Emily first. Students start to fill the empty desks.

Mr. Lawrence scribble a review activity on the board. Exam is only a week away so most of our teachers give us revision because we now complete the syllabus. My head in held down as I answer the questions that I wrote down in my book. Normally, I'd be able to fly through these questions with flying colors, but now I have to think long and hard before answering them. I really need to get into some serious studying.

"Sorry I'm late." I hear a familiar voice that I can recognize anywhere says apologetically. Looking up, my eyes align with Emily's. We then shift our glares to the only three empty seat in the class. An empty seat is to the immediate left of my desk. I guess no one sat in it because Emily and I normally sit together. The second is two desk to the right from mine and the other is at the extreme front to the left side of the class. After scanning the desk, our eyes align again. I try to plaster a smile on my face but fail. But hey, at least I try. Emily's face remains emotionless. I can't tell if she loves me or hate me. She's just completely, blank.

She proceeds to the seat at the front. The seat furthest from me. Looking over my shoulders, I realize students eyes twinkling with curiosity. Ethan walks in few minutes later, greets the class and take his seat at the desk next to mine. He ruffles his hair, before focusing his glare on me. His ocean eyes are so hypnotizing. Looking in his eyes, for a moment I escape my surrounding. For a moment I'm falling deeper in love just by looking in my boy friend's eyes. The moment is ruined when he shifts his glare from mine. I look to the front of the class to see Emily staring at us, she gives me a cold stare before turning to face her book.

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