23- Friendships

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"All that you are is all that I'll need." ~ Ed Sheeran.


After taking my shower, I head downstairs when I'm greeted with a roar of laughter coming from the living room. Hell, it sounds like a bunch of hyenas escaped in here. I march towards the hall to see my mom's hand over her face as she drowns in laughter. She grips her ribs, her face flushes, she's doubled over and grasping for air, unable to breathe properly from how hard she's laughing.

"Liz c-check tthis o-out." Mom says, as happy tears streams down her face and her body shakes uncomfortably. She points the remote towards the TV and replay to the scene that has her in this state. I silently congratulate my mom on watching a great tv show, Desperate Housewives.

In the scene, one of the male character name Orson, who is in a wheelchair decides to take revenge on his wife, Bree, because she committed adultery. He did so by not bathing for a whole week. Bree tries her best to avoid the stink stench that he carries when she finally snaps.

"The door stays open." Bree says, stifling from the intoxicating scent arising from her husband.

"I want it closed." Orson responds out of spite.

"No. You. Stink." Bree reply, putting emphasis in between her words.

"And you're a whore! Here's the difference: I can get clean." Orson retorts at Bree. An exhausted Bree then pushes him in his wheelchair to the garden and washes him with the hose.

My mom's laughter increases as she rewatches the scene.  Her eyes are now glossy and happy tears rolls down her cheeks. Her laugh sounds like a mixture of a masonry drill and a guinea pig squeal: "Hweaww-HEEE-hee-heghgh!"

I laugh at her state right now. I haven't seen my mom like this in forever. Some how my heart feels glad.

"So hunny. About what I want to talk to you about." She says turning the TV off and crossing her right leg over the other. I make my way towards the couch that she's sitting on and take my seat next to her.

She pushes her hair back. "Remember that guy that you saw me with." I can hear wary in her voice. Her tone gets lighter and her facial expression changes.

"Um. Yes." I say trying to erase the picture of my mom and that guy from my mind.

"His name is Bryan. We've been hanging for a while now and....and things seem good." She says with a hopeful voice. "I want to invite him for dinner so you can meet him." She continues.

I pause for a few seconds when she speaks again. "Liz, I know it must be hard seeing that your father died, but I promise you that I'm not trying to replace him. I love your father dearly and I want you to know that he still lives on in my heart."

"Mom I'm happy for you. Of course I'd like to meet him."

She lets out a breath of relief. "You said you wanted to talk to me too."

"Um. Yes." I say, realizing that this is a total coincidence. "Actually I wanted to ask if I can invite Ethan...my boyfriend to dinner. He said he wants to meet you."

"Great. I can make one of my famous recipes and invite both Ethan and Bryan. Just let me check my schedule." She says, reaching over to fetch her little work diary. "How about this Sunday?"

"Sunday sounds great." I say.

"I requested Saturday off so I can watch your cast." She says and a smile forms on my face, excited that she will be there.

"Thanks mom." She gives me a kiss on my cheek and head upstairs.

"Oh before I forget, uncle Tim says hi." Mom says pausing in her track. The name sounds familiar, but I can't visualize his face or remember where I know his name from.

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