Chapter Four

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Nevelia's POV

I did it. I actually killed him. The weight of his death starts to fall on me knowing there is no reversing what I did even if I could and wanted to. The man that had the Time stone walks over to me.

"You are Nevelia right?" He holds out his hand

"Yes." I smile shaking it disguising the guilt of my father's death easily

"Doctor Stephen Strange. Would you mind if I talked to you?" He asks gently

"What would you like to talk about?" I ask not promising anything

"I would like to talk about your history to understand you more." He says calmly

I look to see the others walking off with Vision and I nod. I walk over to a rock and he sits on one beside me.

"What would you like to know?" I ask

"Where are you from? Who did Thanos get you?"

I try to remember the day and the memory comes flooding back to me.

Memory 2005 Elstaren-Nevelia's POV

I am frolicking in the tall grass on top of the highest hill with my older brother, it is part of my daily routine, my hair starts blowing around my face and my little legs loose their balance and I fall to the ground and normally I would cry but I am to stunned to. A ship is there and a purple man is standing in front of my brother with a green girl next to him. I look in awe but then they awe slips away to shock as they blast my brother he falls to the ground. I run out and stand in front of them.

"Why did you do that!" I yell at him still not crying

"Father what should we do with her?" The girl asks

The man looks to me and smiles. He kneels down to my level, and tucks a lock of hair behind my ear.

"I'm so sorry it was an accident would you like to come with me and I can protect you so that doesn't happen to you?" He asks sickly sweet

I turn to look at my brothers open glassy eyes staring into the sky, I go to look up to see what he is looking at then I realize he is dead, tears start to slip down my cheeks. I turn back to the village and spot my house: the palace of Elstaren.

"What about my mummy?" I ask him

"Don't worry she will take care of your mummy would you like to come with me now?" He asks

I look to the green lady who is meant to take care of my mummy then I look back to him and nod.

"What is your name?" I ask him

"My name is Thanos but you call me father." He says looking down to me as he leads me to the ship "What's your name?" 

"My name is Princess Nevelia." I smile back at him

"Would you like a gift Princess Nevelia?" He smiles and I nod eagerly

A weird looking woman looks to me.

"Would you like me to transfer some of my magic?" She asks as I cower behind Thanos

"Give her all. I have a feeling she is special." The weird person looks shocked but nods

"Come here Nevelia I will give you the present." She beckons me closer

I look back to Thanos who nods. I walk up carefully and she holds out her hands, I put mine on hers and they feel rough and slippery, I shiver. I start to feel light and funny as I giggle, Thanos smiles at me. 

I start to hear guns and screams from outside the ship, I go to look but Thanos stops me leading me further into the ship.

End of memory-Nevelia's POV

"Nevelia? Are you alright?" Stephen asks

"Yes sorry I just remembered something." I shaking a small portion "Thanos invaded my planet killed my brother and convinced me to get powers and come with him."

"So you didn't have your original powers before he came?" 


"And did he change your name when he took you?"

"I don't see how this relates?"

"Can you answer please?"

"No, well sort of. My name before was Princess Nevelia Abrielle Esteran Donahue."

"You were a Princess?"


"What was your brother's name?"

Then it hits me, I don't remember anyone's names from my home I only remember mine. 

"I don't remember." I start to get emotional

"That's ok, how old where you when he took you?"

"Only three, I'm sixteen now."

"Thirteen years wow, did you go on any missions with him?"

"All of them I was basically his good luck charm and personal body guard."

"What happened to the stones after you used them?"

"They turned clear as a crystal and fell to the ground, they may still be there." I say calmly

"Do you think you absorbed their powers?"

"Honestly? Yes."

"Do you think you could transfer the power back to the stones?"

"Yes but I think it's best if I look after them."

"The sorcerer supreme has an obligation to protect the time stone at all costs and since I am the sorcerer supreme I must take it back from you."

"I will transfer the power back to the stones but they will stay in my possession."

"That isn't the answer I was looking for."

"I'm sorry but that answer is not going to be given, unless." I say thinking "You may protect the time stone but the others shall stay in my possession."

"And where will you be staying?"

"I didn't think of that. I will collect the stones and we should go meet the others."

He nods, I walk over and put them in a case that I made, then I teleport to where they all are.

They all stare at me before the man in the metal suit goes to talk.

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