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I have finished the first chapter and I'm now working on the second since I'm bored in quarantine, I should've done more but I've been working on my other Marvel book, The Girl Made of Iron. It's a cool book and you should read it if you're interested, it's going to be a part of a bigger universe but will not be connected to these books. 

I do have a question for my readers though, I have seen a lot of readerxcharacter books recommended and being made and I wanted to ask you all whether you thought I should continue with my character Nevelia or write it so it will be talking to the reader so y/n and all that stuff. 

And I've recently come out as a lesbian so this book is back from when I wanted to convince myself I was straight, I have accepted myself since then but I will still write this because people seemed to be enjoying it.

I also wanted to ask if I do go on the path of the readerxpeter if you wanted me to make the character gender neutral so therefore the character would be referred to as they/them for my male, non-binary, genderfluid and etc crowd so you guys can feel more included. 

I won't be publishing the chapters until I've decided so as soon as you guys can give me your input the quicker you'll get the new chapters.

I hope this doesn't sound rude or needy I just want to make sure I'm reaching as many people as possible and making more people feel included.

I hope you all have been staying safe during quarantine and keeping busy, my heart goes out to those like myself who are immuno-compromised and are house bound. I'm also sending love to those who have lost a loved one to this awful virus.

I can't wait to hear your opinions and I can't wait for you guys to read these chapters!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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