Chapter Twenty-Two

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Memory 2012 Thanos' Ship-Nevelia's POV

I hold the scepter in my hands Loki stands prisoner in front of me, father watches me carefully from behind.

"Nevelia." Father says

I nod and walk forwards with the scepter in my hand, he tries to struggle away but I persist, the tip is placed on his chest. His eyes turn a sickly bright blue, too bright, too lifeless.

"You will retrieve the Tesseract from earth using the scepter. Then you will bring both back to us." I tell him

The guards take off his restraints and he stands to meet me, he is much taller so I have to look up. I place the scepter delicately in his hands.

"I will not fail you." He says to me

"I have no doubt." I say back

"Loki Laufeyson you will be accompanied by the Chitauri when you request them, good luck on your mission." Father booms behind me

He nods and I summon a portal through the Tesseract, Loki walks through with the scepter in hand, shining in confidence.

I turn back to face father on his throne.

"Do you believe he will fail Father?" I ask him

"I hope not, for his sake."

I nod and walk back to the training room to fight Gamora.

End of memory-Nevelia's POV

I wake from my bed screaming, I gasp to fill my lungs with air. But it doesn't work, I feel as though I am suffocating, no I don't feel, I am.

I am begging for air clawing at my throat, my mouth is dry, my lungs are empty. The door to my bedroom opens, Tony is standing there disheveled, he sees me there on my bed and runs over to me.

"Breathe Nevelia, you need to breathe, with me. In and out, in and out, in and out." I nod

My breathing pattern comes back to normal as I fill my empty lungs with air, it's relieving.

"Thank you." I pant

"Don't talk just focus on breathing."

I focus on my breathing again, with each breath that occupies my lungs it become easier to breathe.

When my breath comes easier and the adrenaline fades away I look to him.

"Thank you Tony."

"It's fine, I'm used to them. What was it about?"

Hot tears streak my face.

"When I put Loki under mind control to invade Earth, I just remembered it for some reason."

"Thor is coming in to visit today, that may be why." He says

"Maybe. How long till I could go to school?"

"How about the start of next week, today is a Friday so three days including today."

"Ok, and the brace?"

"Tomorrow, I want to keep it on for as long as possible so it can help for as long as possible."

"Ok, have you been down to the gardens lately?"

"No I haven't, why?"

"I was working on something down there yesterday, I think I fell asleep though." My thoughts are going a million miles a minute "Wait then how would I be up here?"

"Oh Nebula, she brought you up here after you fell asleep, then she went back to the garden."

"Oh, ok."

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