Chapter Eleven

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Tony's POV

I walk in to say goodnight to her and I see is is asleep on top of her drawing book, she looks so peaceful. I take gently quiet steps over to her and lift her from the foot of the bed to near the pillows and tuck her in.

I take the book and look through it she is amazing, they look so realistic I am surprised they are even drawings. I place it and the pencils on her desk and take one last look at her sleeping form before turning the light of and closing it.

I walk back to the meeting room where the other avengers are.

"And?" Steve asks

"Dead asleep, and an amazing artist. I hope school is fine for her tomorrow." I mutter thinking aloud

"Tony she will be fine, she knows how to handle herself." Pepper looks up from the book she is reading

"Still Happy will drop her off and pick her up. If she asks to come home we bring her home ASAP. You guys listening?" I ask
How can they not pay attention to something as important as this?
"Tony, honey. You have already explained the plan to us twice in the last hour. I think you just need to sit and calm down, she will be fine." Pep say standing from her chair and coming over to place a hand on my shoulder

"But what if she isn't fine? What if people find out about her powers? Or she kills someone?" I yell at them trying to put my point across

"You really think I would kill someone?" I hear a tear filled voice from behind me

I freeze knowing I may have just made one of the biggest mistakes in my life. 

Nevelia's POV

He thinks I would kill someone? Why would he think that? He turns to face me and tries to explain but I shake my head.

I turn running I run out of the compound and into the dense forest.

I let my battle clothes form and don't even bother with a mask I don't want to listen to them or their rules anymore. If they think I will kill someone I may as well prove them right, show I am no better then the assassin I think I am. I run deeper into the forest until I am suddenly at a beautiful lake. It reflects the twilight sky giving it a lilac tint.

I see someone there in what looks like a blue and red onsie, Peter. I sneak behind him, my footsteps easily masked. I tap him on the shoulder and he goes to attack me but I just smile at him.

"Oh my god! Nevelia? You gave me a heart attack why did you do that?" He says taking his mask off

"Because I knew your reaction would be hilarious and boom! I was right." I smile sitting down at the waters edge

He blushes and sits next to me.

"So did you get in a fight with the Avengers?"

"Why else would a teenage assassin run off and come to a lake?"

"You aren't an assassin."

"Are you really going to say that? My kill count would disagree." I say looking to him then the dazzling still water

"What do you mean?"


"I don't understand?"

"My kill count is 2,684,512."


"Yeah, you hate me don't know. Everyone hates me, if they don't hate me they are scared of me."

"N...Nevelia I'm not scared if you."

"Don't lie to me Peter, remember I told you a friendship can't be built on a base of lies."

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Nevelia, I am not scared of you. I could never be scared of you." He grabs my hand but I pull it away

"Peter I said don't lie to me! I can tell when you are lying. Of all people I don't need you to lie to me too." I look to him with tears in my eyes

When he hears that his face immediately looks heart broken.

"Nevelia please-" He starts

"No Peter, no! I am sick of being me, I am sick of living this life. All my life I have been trained to be a heartless killing machine, the perfect weapon. Everyone treats me as though I could kill anyone at any second or burst into flames because my powers will take over me." I say tears streaming down my cheeks "I don't want to live like this, I don't want to live like the monster I am!"

He tries to take my hand before I take it out of his grasp, running off again into the night. I can't keep doing this. I run off into the heart of the city. Trying to find a place to hide from the noise that is getting too loud, the lights that are getting too bright. I run to cross the road as I see an empty dark park perfect for thinking, until I turn and see a flash of white light before I get a burning pain running through my body.

It burns, I try to see but I can't. Try to move but I can't. I feel stuck, trapped like when I was under my father's influence killing whomever he wished. Protecting him from whomever dared to disagree.

Ok this chapter is fill of drama and wow I know a dramatic turn there. I got so sad writing this chapter, I was almost crying. I really thank you guys for reading and I hope you have enjoyed my books.


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