Chapter Sixteen

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Peter's POV

They sent us home, she could die at any moment and they sent us home! I swing through the sunset streaked city in my spider suit trying to process my thoughts and emotions of the day. She won't be able to walk because of something I did, I let her run off, I let her get hit. And now she wants to use the stones to help her, which is dangerous and she could get hurt again.

And oh god Mr Stark caught me kissing her, I have no idea what to do. But the kiss was nice, like really nice, maybe even better then nice.

I land on the fire escape outside my room, I don't bother to be careful because May already knows I'm Spiderman. Does she know what happened to Nevelia too?

"Peter is that you?" I hear a voice call from the kitchen

"Yeah May, it's me." I call out

I quickly get changed into my pajamas and walk out to her on the couch with popcorn watching a movie.

"So you weren't out on patrols were you?" 

She pats the spot next to her and pauses the movie. I sit down, she studies my face trying to figure out what is wrong.

"No, sorry about lying to you May."

"It's ok, I can see something is wrong. Do you want to tell me about it?"

"Yeah if its alright."

"Peter, you can always tell me anything. I promise I won't judge, this is a safe space."

I nod and look at her in the eyes, I can feel my eyes well with tears,

"My friend, she in a fight with her parents and well ran away. When I was on my patrols I saw her and talked to her...but she um ran off and then well." The tears are sliding down my cheeks I can barely get the words out. 

"Its ok, deep breaths." 

I nod and take slow deeps breaths trying to get breath back into my lungs.

"She well, um...she got...hit by a car." When I say the words May's face looks horrible she is shocked by what I just said

She looks at me for a full minute before barreling forward and squeezing me tight.

"Is she ok?" She says into my ear

"Yeah, but she might not be able to walk again."

With that she squeezes me tighter before letting me go.

"Oh honey, that must feel so bad."

"Yeah, I feel like it's you know. My fault, because just after I talked to her, it looked like I made it worse. Then she had to go get hit by a car."

The my cheeks are hot and the tears are still streaking down my face.

"Peter, I'm sure it wasn't your fault. If you want someone to blame, blame the stupid person who hit her. But Peter never, I mean never  blame yourself for something you can't control. You will take yourself down a horrible path, that no one should ever have to go on."

She puts a hand on my shoulder as she says this and stares me hard in the eyes, making sure I understand.

"Ok." I nod

"Good. Now which friend is this? Do I know her? Have you visited her?"

"Her name is Nevelia, you don't know her and yes I visited her. I just came back."

"Can I ask something?" I nod "Why did you tell me you were going on patrols. I would have understood, I could have taken you."

"I know it was just easier that way."

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